Chapter 2

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Ayre always told Sesha that a successful theft had three things. First, a motive. This usually consisted of, 'I really want that item'. Second, a play. In Sesha and Emile's instance this counted as a young girl swooning into a pile of woven baskets, drawing every eye in the square. And thirdly, the lift. Which today consisted of Emile's hand retrieving a fresh cut leg of meat and a brown loaf from the distracted hog roaster.

Ten minutes later they were back on the roof, eating their (in Sesha's view) well gotten gains. Sated, the two of them leant back against the nearest smoke stacks and watched the hustle and bustle of the port.

"Do you know when you will be allowed to join an expedition?" asked Emile.

Sesha pouted, "Not until I'm eighteen according to Jlayn." She sighed, "He said that whilst I am a ward of the temple, and thus pretty much their property, Federation laws stipulate that youths can join the army but not much else. So eighteen is the minimum age."

Emile grunted in sympathy. He knew how much Sesha wanted to join the crew on one of the ships that floated out there. Or, more specifically, the ship being built. The Draconis. Six months and it would be ready, a select group of Wayfarers on board and Captain Syr at the wheel. An epic adventure filled with monsters, mayhem and madness. Emile smiled to himself, or that's what the stories said. Whatever; he was happy that Sesha would be around for a bit longer and not dying in the belly of a Raik or drowned by Snarlfish.

A piercing whistle sounded from nearby and Sesha abruptly stood. "Ohhhhhh Ryn's tits I'm late!" she gasped, and flung herself recklessly down the scaffolding, crossing over three buildings and through a window, right into the waiting arm of Pyre. Choking, she gasped as he crashed her through a door and flung her onto the padded floor inside. With a groan she sat up, only to immediately roll to the side, avoiding Pyre's crashing foot. Reacting instinctively she lashed out, kicking at the side of his knee, impacting hard.

"Mother fucker!" he roared, clutching at his injured leg.

Sniggers filled the air, and Sesha looked around to see several other Wayfarers watching.

"We wondered when you would deign to join us," said one, a middle aged man with ash streaked hair. "Pyre was most upset that you weren't here on time."

Sesha smiled ruefully, patting the injured Pyre on the shoulder. "Sorry, I lost track of time."

"Nothing new there," spoke up Ayre, Sesha's trainer in cat burglary. "Nice kick, but you have to remember that this is training. Generally we don't want to permanently injure our okay Pyre?"

A few more snarls and curses.

"Pyre? You properly hurt?" Jlayn's voice.

"Nah. Just aches," Pyre replied, standing up and gingerly testing his leg. He lifted Sesha up from the floor, "Nice kick Sesha. I should have seen that coming. Next time I won't go as easy on you."

That was easy? she thought. That was terrifying.

"Relax Sesha," Jlayn said, standing up. "That was just Pyre's way of reminding you that combat training is important. Try to be on time for it tomorrow yeah?"

A swift nod. "Sure thing boss."

He winked and turned back to Ayre. "One more bout?"

She smiled and took his proffered hand. "Of course, my mighty liege." And as he smiled, she struck.

Two hours later, Sesha dragged herself to the kitchen. What food she had had inside of her hadn't lasted long after that much vigorous sparring. Pyre hadn't been joking about not going easy. A muscle clad slab of a man, he excelled in combat and when not Wayfaring he acted as the principal close quarter combat trainer for the other temple members.

She suppressed a groan as she reached for the tap, muscles on fire. A fifteen minute break and then she had shooting practice with Ayre. Something she always looked forward to, although she might have difficulty holding the weapon still - considering the pain her body was in.

"Tough session?"

Sesha looked up. Standing at the kitchen doorway was Rayne, probably the person she could most likely call friend rather than mentor within the temple. Red-headed, with a fiery temper to match, Rayne was twenty one years old, the youngest official Wayfarer and a relatively new addition to the group. Skilled with rifle and sabre she brought extra firepower to the team, something that Jlayn was adamant would be required for the next expedition...though why he believed this he would not say.

Nodding, Sesha gulped down the rest of her drink before sliding into a chair. A sigh of relief broke from her lips as she sat down. Noticing Rayne's amusement she sat up straight - the teasing would be incessant if she didn't look like she could handle one measly session with Pyre.

"Relax!" laughed Rayne, noticing Sesha's discomfort before pulling up a stool. "I poked my head in to see what all the noise was about. You two were having one heck of a sparring session. I'm impressed." She grinned. "I mean. You're not as impressive as me. But then again, who is?"

Sesha shook her head at her friend's arrogance. Disregarding the irony in that she thought of herself the same way. "If you want a truthful answer. How about Jlayn?"

Rayne chuckled. "Well of course Jlayn. He's a given. Pretty hard to top finding a lost world and retrieving items of power, thereby changing the face of the world as we know it. But there is always room for more glory to be had! From what Jlayn has been saying, the next expedition will take us further into the interior than ever before. Which means more exploration, more enemies and more items. Sounds amazing!"

Sesha had to agree. It did sound amazing. Amazingly bad that she wouldn't be on it. I'm one of those weird kids who wants to grow up faster, she thought to herself.

"Any idea when the next expedition is going to be?"

Rayne shook her head. "The ship is due to be complete in four months. I imagine soon after that but you know Jlayn, he goes when he wants. Not before."

Four months. Four months to figure out how to get on board without anyone knowing.

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