02 | banshee

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Chapter Two

It wasn't difficult to realize those high-pitched screams came from Mrs. Woods, who lived right across the street.

She was a stout lady with a temper shorter than herself.

If there was one thing she hated more than teenagers, it was excessively loud sounds. From what I gathered, after living across from her for three full years, she hated when she couldn't get her way. Whenever something upset her tremendously, her voice would increase its volume until it resembled a banshee-like scream.

Once, I watched with interest as a group of skateboarders rolled down the street. Their wheels created loud noises against the bumpy road, but they seemed to have fun all the same. I had smiled at their antics because they reminded me of my classmates and friends at Hogwarts.

Mrs. Woods had emerged from her house like a maniac that day, screaming for the "vandals and troublemakers" to leave her street alone. To call her dramatic would be an understatement.

This time, the terror in her voice seemed genuine. Not as shrill, and filled with absolute fear.

As if her voice was a magnet, I found myself walking towards my window once again. Under the moonlight, the sullen colours outside made me shiver for warmth. Standing by her doorway, the woman shook with a hand over her mouth. The dread built in my gut as I followed her line of sight.

Lying on the road was an immobile figure in black robes.

Thankfully, my adoptive parents had left for vacation in Hawaii and wouldn't return until tomorrow. The Williams was of the panicking kind. I had an inkling that they would try to move to America or Asia if they witnessed what had happened today.

I studied the figure carefully with my heart pounding against my ribcage. Earlier, I had assumed the Death Eaters were torturing some poor muggle or muggleborn. I was more than surprised to notice a familiar mask on the person's face.

For some reason, Death Eaters had turned on one of their own. From my window, I was able to notice dark puddles on the concrete, growing steadily underneath the figure.


In her hands, Mrs. Woods held a dark-red phone. The curly telephone wire connected to a source inside her home, straining from the pull that she exerted. Her hands shook as she spoke through the phone frantically, likely talking to emergency services. Eventually, she began to calm down to a less-hysterical state.

I watched with bated breath as she headed inside, closing the door behind her.

Then there was dead silence.

While I waited for the crew of emergency vehicles to arrive, a persuasive sense of curiosity grew inside of me. After being cut off from the magical world for so long, I felt an itching need to peek past the Death Eater's mask. The person's voice felt slightly familiar. Someone I knew in the past.

I knew, at that moment, that I would forever regret not knowing who it was.

Before I could fully process my thoughts, I had already hurried down the stairs into the living room. I shoved on a pair of sneakers and sprinted out the door.

Just a glance. I promised myself quickly. Just a glance, then I'll leave.

The rush of cold air danced across the surface of my skin. Although my polar bear pyjamas were cozy, they held no protection against the slight, icy breeze. My shuddered breaths created puffs of white in the crisp air as I stalked toward the motionless body.

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