Golden Child's Jibeom part 2

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-Jibeom's pov-
"Hey what are you doing here all alone?" Y/N asked
'Is she talking to me' I thought looking to the back of me
"Hello earth to Jibeom" she said and laughed a bit
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know you were talking to me"
"Why you by yourself? All the guys are back at the dorm" she said sitting next to me
"I just needed time to think I guess"
"Look Jibeom about the other day-"
"No listen y/n I didn't confess just because I think you're hot or whatever I really meant what I said okay? I know seungmin is my hyung and I would never do anything to disrespect you or him in any way possible just think about it okay?" I said handing her a note "read the note and then just think about it" I said and left
-y/n's pov-
'Well me and seungmin broke up' I thought
I hated the fact that I hurt jibeom's feelings I didn't mean to hurt him in any way possible if I knew what his feelings were for me I swear I would've never dated seungmin in the first place but like my mom always said sometimes one sided love never works out to the people around them..

HEY MY LITTLE CHEWING GUM's!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating anything lately I've been so busy with school and I lately got into this new group named CNCO and I've been thinking about writing an imagines book for them but anyways I'm so sorry I've kept you guys waiting thank you all so much for 49K I seriously lobe you guys so much I hoped you guys enjoyed the story in sorry if it was a little sad anyways don't forget to request I love you all! ❤️❤️

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