Enhypen's Jake

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"Has anyone seen Aileen?" Your teacher asked the class

Everyone shook their head 

"Oh yes! she told me she couldn't come today.. monthly evaluations" Aurora said shyly 

Your teacher sighed "Okay then.. Everyone turn to chapter 34"

"Hey shouldn't you be with Aileen?" Jungwon whispered to aurora

"I tried to stay but she told me to go to school" She whispered back "She's been really stressed I  didnt want to make her mad" She said putting her head down on her desk 

Jungwon looked at her and pouted 

This was a typical routine, every month, the same week for the past three years I haven't showed up to school.. It's not that I didn't want to go to school, I just found my debut more important, why? because of Jake.. Enhypen's Jake to be more exact, Now the reason he was so important was because well.. we have been dating for about two years, basically since before I-land. "It's sad that you're group is well known because of your boyfriend"; "Your group will never meet Enhypen's expectations"

Those words blasting in my head daily, the words I hear daily at school.. another reason I would rather be in my company than school. So yeah ever since people found out that Jake is dating a trainee's leader.. I have been hated on since day 1 

{Later that day}

"Aurora.. Ga-in.. is this the best you could do?" Your CEO said looking at the girls a little angrily 

They both looked down 

"what kind of performance was that? It doesn't show that you have practiced at all" He said 

I looked at the girls and stepped forward 

"Sir with all due respect.. These girls have been practicing day in and day out. I understand that performance wasn't meant for your standards but they're great dancers" I said firmly 

He looked at me and stood up "I am giving all of you girls one more week of practice, if not I am cutting some of you out.. and Aileen.. dont make me regret making you leader" He said taking one last look at me and leaving 

"Aileen.. you didn't have to do that.." Ga-in said holding my arm 

"What if he let you go for standing up to us?" Aurora said 

"Look I have seen you girls, you guys are amazing trust me, go practice okay? I need a moment to think" I said and left 

{At ENHYPEN's Dorm}

"Aileen are you okay?" Jay asked worriedly 

"Is Jake here?" You said with tears in your eyes 

He nodded "He is in his room" He said letting you in

"Babe.. what's wrong?" Jake said coming out of his room 

I laid my head on his chest and starting crying 

"Hey hey talk to me" He said grabbing your head looking at you sweetly 

"I am scared I failed the girls as a leader" I said crying some more 

"What do you mean my love?"

"We had our evaluations today and our CEO literally almost yelled at the girls because of their dance, which is the dance I made for them.. and I stood up to him, so he gave us a week to practice some more or he is cutting some of the girls from the debut line.. and I have been so stressed out because if the girls fail it'll be my fault because im their leader" I said finally letting it all out 

Jake kissed your nose "you finished?"

I pouted and nodded 

"Baby.. you're an amazing leader! The way you literally gave up going to school to follow your dreams, the way you care for your members so much you were willing to stand up to your CEO, you receive so much hate and backlash just because you're dating me.. yes I've read them all, but even then you keep your head up high, your members and company see something in you, I see something in you" Jake said with a smile 

"We all love you Aileen" Sunghoon said as he hugged me 

"Even if you don't make it to the debut team.. we will always love you" Jay said 

"Hey they'll all make their debut and we will be there every step of the way!" Jungwon said as he hugged me as well 

Jake put his head against mine "you're my special girl, I will always love and support you no matter what" jake whispered 

"I love you" I whispered to him 

"I love you too" he whispered back 

{A week later}

"Okay, it's been a week, and this time I will not make the decision.. I am going to have ENHYPEN judge as well" Our CEO said with a smirk 

We all looked at him Wide eyed as ENHYPEN walked in the room 

"We all will judge you individually as well as a group and we will determine who makes the debut team and who doesn't.. and remember just because Aileen is your girlfriend you must judge fairly" He said looking at Jake 

Jake nodded as they all sat down 

-Two hours later-

"Alright please step outside so we may discuss" Our CEO said as we walked out the room 

You smiled at your members 

"You guys killed it! Regardless of who makes the cut or not just know you guys gave it your best and kicked ass! I have faith we made it!" I said 

All members smiled back 

"You guys can come in now" Niki said as we walked back inside 

Our CEO looked at all of us 

"Congratulations to our winning debut team.. GEM!" Our CEO said and smiled 

We all looked at him shocked and hugged each other 

"I knew I made the right choice with you leader, don't let me down.. I have faith in you" He said as he patted my back and left the room 

We all bowed "THANK YOU!" 

Jake smiled and he ran up to hug me and spin me 

"I knew you could do it, that's my girl!" Jake said as he kissed you 

"Eww come on! No more kissing let's go out to eat I'm starving" Aurora said disgusted 

"Yes! Korean BBQ my treat" Heeseung said 

"Oooo rich boy! Let's go" Ga-in as she ran out the room 

We all looked at each other as we laughed and followed her enjoying the rest of the night with our new fans hehe 


HI CHEWING GUM'S! I'm back.. for now hehe  😜 


My next story.. Treasure: not sure which member I'm between Hyunsuk and Yedam 

We shall see which comes first hehe 

❤️❤️ I love you all!

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