Christmas Special

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"Soojun does this outfit make me look silly?" Kevin said walking in the living room with a reindeer outfit
"No you look cute Oppa"
"Really? Oh okay thanks" he said and walked away
"You didn't have to lie to him" jae said
"I'm not lying I'm being serious"
"Suuuuuuure you were" Wooseok said
"Argh forget it let's just open our stupid presents okay?"
They all looked at me
"Soojun what's wrong is someone on their period~?" Young K asked
"No! It's just i dont know"
"Guys come on leave her alone" Johnny said
"Thank you Johnny"
"It's not her fault her boyfriend isn't here" he said putting an arm around me
I gave him a death glare "I'm going to kill you"
"Wait soojun what is he again?" Vernon asked
"He's Caucasian and Korean"
He nodded
"And where is he at the moment?" Hoshi asked
"Korea visiting his family"
"Okay soojun what's really going on?" Sebin said
I looked down
They all looked at me
"It's just well I didn't get any gifts for Victon and I feel guilty"
"Soojun you didn't have to get us anything" Heo Chan said
"But I feel bad because I got the guys gifts but I didn't get you guys anything"
"You know what we want from you?" Byung Chan said
"What? A kiss"
"Well that would be nice, but no" he said
"Then what?"
"All we want is an imagine for us honestly that's all we want" Han se said
"No buts look we want an imagine because we want to feel apart of this family" he said
"But you are part of our family"
They smiled
"See guys Christmas is about family it doesn't matter if we have presents or not as long as we are together that's all that matters" Hansol(NCT) said
I smiled "that's true hansol and I'm honestly glad that you guys and my readers are part of this family I dont know where I would be without you guys"
"You want to open the gifts?" B-Joo asked
I nodded
-Hours later-
"Victon here is your present" I said handing them a gift
They looked at it shocked
"You didn't actually think I would forget you guys did you" I said and laughed
They opened the gifts to reveal rings
"Those ring simplify that you are finally part of the Chewing Gum family"
"Soojun you have no idea how much this means to us" seungwoo said
I smiled
"Oh soojun you have one more gift" youngbin said handing you a gift
"Oh it's from my boyfriend" you said and opened it
"What is it?"
"It's a little penguin and a sweater!! Awwww he does think of me"
They rolled their eyes "we gave you better gifts"
"I know thank you oppa's" I said and hugged them
"Do you think we should wish the readers a merry Christmas?" Ten asked
"Of course we can't leave without saying goodbye" I said and playfully hit him

I want to thank you guys so much for being part of our family you have no idea how much you guys mean to me when you read my books whether you guys celebrate Christmas or any type of holiday I hope you guys have a merry Christmas and happy holidays from us don't forget to request! Also my leg is getting worse so I've been staying in bed since Christmas Eve and it's currently Christmas! Anyways enough about me enjoy your night or day wherever you are I hope you guys spend or spent it with people you love and I'll be sure to have a new imagine up in the morning. I love you my little chewing gum's and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! 🎄💙

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