12 ; hell talks

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"What was it?" Eden pushed, curious despite herself.

"Do you remember that 'Don't Do Drugs' seminar we had one year?" Roman asked, and when Eden nodded, he laughed underneath his breath. "Well, you reminded me of those seminars."

"I remind you of the 'Dare to Resist Drugs' seminars?" Eden spoke, feeling laughter bubble in her throat.

At this, Roman tightened his arms around Eden's middle. "Not the campaign, the message. They tell you not to touch the drugs. That one taste is all you'll need before you get hooked. Yet, no one really ever listens to those speeches. The curiosity gets the best of them and they just have to have a small taste. Just to sate the curiosity and before you know it, you're hooked."

"Are you comparing me to drugs?" Eden asked, finding a smile curling onto the ends of her lips.

"My sample of you came in befriending Peter. You and him were a package deal and I knew this. I just didn't expect to actually like your company. You, Eden, were just supposed to be some random curiosity to pass the time. Yet, I still got hooked despite how many times I tried to withdrawal myself. Over and over again, I returned. Like a junkie."

Roman's words stayed in a the air for a moment, hanging in between them. Eden didn't know what to say. Wasn't sure how to put into words how Roman's genuine vulnerability made her feel.

"So, have you finally accepted your addiction then?" Eden finally asked, softening against Roman's body. She felt him relax against her minutely, their skin pressing together like velvet.

"I don't think I'm strong enough for rehab." Was Roman's reply, a tiny laugh forming over his sentence at their conversation. Eden smiled against his jaw, and when Roman moved his face, their lips connected again like magnets.

That had been hours ago, and yet, now Roman was catatonic.

Wiping at her face, which was littered with tears, Eden sat upwards on her bed. She pushed her bangs from her face, trying to ignore how clammy her hands were. Her body, while shaky, moved to the side, letting her leave the bed.

Once she was looking presentable, which meant that she had shoved a beanie onto her head, Eden left her bedroom. She slowly made her way down the stairs, seeing her mother's head flick upwards from the television she was watching to look in Eden's direction.

"Are you hungry?" Constance asked, adjusting the animal printed shawl on her shoulders. It was paired with a long black dress that touched her mother's ankles.

Eden didn't know how to tell her mother that she wanted to be alone. "I'm okay. I think I'll just make some toast or something."

This seemed to disturb her mother, if the twitch in her lip was anything to go by, but Constance didn't say anything in reply. Eden shuffled to the kitchen, grabbing the bread, and counting her steps towards the toaster. She was trying anything to distract her mind at this point.

"Fern should be home soon," Constance stated absentmindedly. "Your sister is worried about you. Said she saw this coming."

This caused Eden to pause for a moment. "Saw this?"

"Saw Roman's accident. She feels responsible. I think she's looking for some direction from you on the matter." Constance said, pursing her lips as she contemplated the issues both of her daughters were facing simultaneously.

"I'll talk to her whenever she gets home." Eden said, tapping her fingers against the counter.

Until then, Eden would count the minutes until her sister's arrival to keep her busy.

Death of the Party ↠ Hemlock Grove ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang