Chapter One: Bella

Start from the beginning

"May I help you?" he inquired; his tone neutral yet welcoming.

"Yes, I'm in your class. I'm new," I responded promptly, extending my schedule for his perusal. Glancing down at the paper, he raised an eyebrow in mild surprise before stepping aside, granting me entry into the room. As I crossed the threshold, a hush fell over the classroom, and I could feel the weight of a hundred pairs of eyes fixed on me. Heat crept up my cheeks as I became acutely aware of the sudden attention. With a soft click, the door closed behind me, and the teacher returned to my side.

"Class, let's extend a warm welcome to our new member, Charlotte Matthews," the teacher announced, drawing attention to my presence. With a small smile adorning my face, I offered a wave to the roomful of students. Taking in the varied reactions, I noticed the boys sporting eager grins while the girls appeared surprised by the arrival of a new face. Carefully navigating through the desks, I located an available seat, opting for one in front of a pale girl seated at the back of the classroom. As I settled into my seat, the weight of a hundred pairs of eyes seemed to linger, their collective gaze following my every move.

"Face the front, class," the teacher's command echoed through the room, prompting everyone to reluctantly tear their gazes away from me and redirect their attention to the lesson. With a sigh, I braced myself for what promised to be a long class period...

Hours later, the lunch bell finally rang, signalling a welcome respite from the stifling atmosphere of the classroom. Making my way to the bustling canteen, I scanned the sea of students, noting the diverse cliques scattered throughout the room—jocks, geeks, and everything in between.

Searching for a familiar face amidst the crowd, I spotted some classmates from English earlier in the day. Eager to join them, I began to weave my way through the tables, only to be interrupted by a couple of jocks who couldn't resist wolf-whistling in my direction. Shaking my head in exasperation, I quickened my pace, seeking refuge at an unoccupied table near a window. Pulling out a chair, I sank into my seat and kept my gaze fixed on the tabletop, reluctant to meet the curious stares that undoubtedly followed my every move.

Alone at the table, I idly nudged the remnants of my meal around my plate, finding little enjoyment in the mediocre fare before me. Despite its lacklustre quality, I continued to pick at my food, my attention divided between the unappetizing meal and the tabletop below.

Midway through my meal, a distinct sensation washed over me—a feeling that someone's gaze was fixed upon me. Unlike the curious stares I had encountered throughout the day, this gaze felt different, softer, somehow. Refusing to meet the eyes that bore into me, I kept my focus downward, avoiding any interaction. My gaze remained fixed on my plate, occasionally drifting to the surface of the table, unwilling to acknowledge the unspoken scrutiny hovering over me.

"Hey," a gentle feminine voice broke through the silence, causing me to lift my head and meet her gaze. Softening my expression, I offered a small smile.

"Hi," I responded softly, acknowledging her presence. She gestured to the empty chair beside me, and I nodded in understanding, welcoming her unspoken invitation to join me. The chair emitted a grating screech as she pulled it out, the sound ceasing as she settled into her seat. With a sigh, she crossed her arms tightly over her chest, as if she also was nervous to make new friends.

"I'm Bella, by the way," she introduced herself, extending her hand for me to shake.

"Charlotte," I replied, reciprocating the gesture as our hands met, palm to palm, and exchanged a brief shake. In those fleeting seconds, a sense of connection passed between us. As our hands parted, my attention was drawn to a group of people chatting and laughing amongst themselves as they approached. A knot formed in my stomach at the sight of unfamiliar faces, a pang of unease settling within me.

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