Chapter One: Bella

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     As the morning sun streamed through my window, its gentle rays danced upon my skin, casting a warm glow in the room

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     As the morning sun streamed through my window, its gentle rays danced upon my skin, casting a warm glow in the room. Below, I could hear the familiar sounds of my Grams bustling about in the kitchen, no doubt preparing breakfast for us both. With a soft sigh, I pushed aside the covers of my bed and rose to greet the day, stretching out the stiffness from sleep.

Making my way down the hall to the bathroom, I indulged in a brief, steamy shower, allowing the hot water to soothe my senses and awaken my mind. Afterwards, I meticulously brushed my teeth and took the time to straighten my hair, ensuring each strand fell just so. Returning to my room, I perused my closet, selecting an outfit with care, mindful of the significance of this first day at school. With my attire chosen, I dressed quickly, the anticipation of the day ahead urging me on.

Descending the stairs, the aroma of freshly made waffles greeted me, a comforting scent that filled the air. Grams had outdone herself once again, and I wasted no time in joining her at the table, eager to savour the delicious breakfast she had prepared. Despite my excitement, I ate hastily, stealing glances at the clock as the minutes ticked away.

With a quick peck on Grams' cheek, I bid her farewell and stepped out onto the porch, my heart racing with anticipation. Approaching the truck, I fished the keys from my pocket and pressed the unlock button, the familiar chirp signalling its readiness. Sliding into the driver's seat, I inserted the key into the ignition, the engine coming to life with a satisfying roar.

Pulling out of the driveway, I navigated the familiar streets, the anticipation building with each passing moment. Today marked a new chapter, a fresh beginning at Forks High, and I was ready to embrace whatever the day had in store. With determination and excitement coursing through me, I set off towards the school, though the voice in my head nagged at me. Telling to keep a low profile.


I manoeuvred the truck into an available parking spot conveniently situated near the school entrance, my heart pounding with the realization that I was already late on my first day. Hurriedly, I flung open the door and slammed it shut behind me, swiftly locking it before darting up the steps and into the school building.

Inside, I located the main desk, where a woman greeted me with a warm smile. Her sleek black hair cascaded down to her shoulders like a waterfall of ebony silk. "Hey, I'm here for my class schedule. Charlotte Matthews," I announced breathlessly. With a nod, she turned to her computer, her fingers dancing across the keyboard in rapid succession. In no time, the printer whirred to life, spitting out a sheet of paper that she handed to me with practised efficiency. I offered her a tight smile of gratitude before turning away, and navigating the hallways in search of my English class.

After a brief journey, I reached the classroom and peered through the window, spotting a TV positioned at the front of the room. Tentatively, I rapped on the door, the sound echoing softly yet assertively through the corridor. The muted hum of the TV ceased abruptly, and moments later, the door swung open to reveal my teacher standing there, ready to welcome me to the class.

ImprintOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora