She eyes me suspiciously, then goes back to being uninterested, "How do I get her to open up to me?"

"You don't," I shrug, "She has to come around."

She rolls her eyes and stands, "See you next week."

"Bye, Ella," I wave her out.

As she leaves Ms. Lea comes in behind her, dressed in jeans with a large shawl falling off her shoulders, like a cloak. She knocks,even though I'm looking at her and can see her, "Do you have a minute?"

"Of course," I smile at her, "How are you?"

"I'm good, KJ," she motions to a chair, "Mind if I take a seat?"

"Sure thing," I finish clearing the papers from my desk, "What's up?"

"Just doing a check-in, making sure everything is going well with you and the girls," she motions to my budding wall of art, "The kids really seem to love you."

"Thanks. I'm trying to have an impact on all of them, even if it's as small as encouraging their art."

She nods, "How are you sessions with Charlie going?"

"She's a smart kid," I pause, "But a haunted one. So far I can only get her to communicate through drawings."

She seems upset by this, her normally bright bright face turning grave. "Am I missing something?"

"How much of Charlie's file have you read?"

"A lot of it. It seemed like a quick way to know where she's coming from, all things considered."

"KJ... Charlie isn't like the other kids here, put out by her parents, I mean. Her mom wants her... A little too much..." she waits for me to catch on, but I'm a dumb ass to I in turn wait for her to spell it out.

"Charlie has to go on trial against her mother for sexual abuse charges next month," she tells me, "That's why we need her to talk, by then. She can't testify if she can't even talk. The jury's hands will be tied."

"Damn," I say, before apologizing for my language, "Sorry. But I can't make her talk, if she's chosen to be mute over this. She can only go at her own pace with this."

"I know I know," she backs down, "I just want you to know the stakes."

I want to say, "You mean to tell me that you hired me to get Charlie ready to testify in a trial I didn't even know she had to go to? I've been here two weeks Lea what the fuck! How am I supposed to do this? Just fire me dammit! Just let me go! Issa lose! There's not a chance she'll be ready! No hope!"

But instead I swallow my anger for the sake of still having a job, "Thanks for letting me know."


Layne's POV

At the library I search for job openings within walking radius, and when that comes up short, I expand it to bus radius. Considering I have no marketable skills, a shit memory, and no formal education, I need to have a lot of options because there's gonna be a lot of no's.

Afterwards, I set out, hoping that I can get at least one maybe. Too much realism stops me from hoping for a fat "YES."

Somehow, I manage to garner one interview before the evening hits, and then head home, tired from all the walking.

At home I shower and change into sweats and a t-shirt, then relax on my bed, finding a note left on my nightstand. Extraño a ti. Llamarme?


I dial the number and sure enough, she answers, "Hola?"

"Extraño a ti. You missed me huh?" I tease.

"I thought I did, yes. But now I'm rethinking that sentiment." her tone is playful, and I take nothing to heart.

"Wowww... It's like that, now?" I stretch out in bed, "What are you doing right now?"

"Homework," she responds, "What are you doing?"

Homework. "You're in school?"

"Yes," she confirms, "I want to be a nurse."

"A sexy nurse?" I tease, "Or just a nurse?"

"Just a nurse," she replies.

"Too bad. You'll be a sexy nurse regardless," she's so quiet and I can almost hear her eyes roll.

We continue to banter back in forth, reminding me that before we were lovers, Mira was my friend. In fact, Mira may be the only thing I have close to a friend. The realization makes me feel oddly lonely and into the phone I say, "You should come over."

She laughs, "Por que? Why?"

"I have something to show you," I reply. I hear a car door in the background, "Are you on your way?"

There's a knock, "I'm already here."

no savior.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang