Chapter 8

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"I'm so sorry about my father, He was so reluctant about it so he returned me here very fast" Luna says gliding the tip of her fingers through each petal of the flowers in the forest.

Unlike the other lonely forest that is filled with only 2 colors, Green and black, The forest they are in now are filled with so much colors and flying butterflies. Hermione couldn't help but be amazed by the natural masterpiece made by the world.

"Why, what really happened Luna? Why do we needed you?" Hermione snapped out of her thought and turned her head to Harry who is seriously having a conversation with Luna, Hermione listened to them.

"The day you defeated Voldemort, I was outside Hogwarts when i spotted the group of Malfoys having a conversation in the forest"

Hermione raised her eyebrows at the fact that she just heard, and Harry just crossed his arms.

"I heard them saying something like "Revenge" and We ain't done yet with him" Harry and Hermione eyes widened and they felt as if a whole landmass of earth was pressed heavily against them.

"What?!" Hermione couldn't but raise her voice as she stared right into Luna's eyes who looks gentle yet fiercy like a cat's.

"I got something in mind but Draco saw me right before i moved to them closely to hear them better, I doubt he told the others but i think i'm one of the reason why they are moving fast" Luna explained and her eyes looked sorry.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?!" Harry asked in a little bit of rage but still a little of restraining on the edge of his voice, Hermione is positive that he's just controlling his anger in that moment.

"I tried to but my father came to me as fast and took me away when he found out, He took me away right before i had the chance to tell you, He was so strict of me coming back to Hogwarts, He would always lock me inside the house and i had no way to get out, I tried everything but my father would always race before i could do anything" Luna says with guilt written on her face.

Hermione took a deep breathe and faced Harry who is looking so scared,anxious,angry, Almost everything negative is written on his face, Hermione frowned worried for her friend.

Silence filled the whole surrounding and fresh air became harder to to breathe in for Harry and Hermione's case.

"Please follow me" Luna says after a while and walked pass them

Hermione looked at Harry who is in deep thought again looking very problemic, Hermione sighed she feel so bad fore Harry who hadn't had the chance to even take a rest because of all the things. Hermione just shakes her head and turned to follow Luna but harry spoked.

"Hermione" Harry called and Hermione turned her head to him, Hermione gave him a small smile to reassure her friend.

"What do you feel in this very moment?" Harry asks there was a lace of seriousness in his voice his eyes darted unto her beautiful face.

Hermione stared at him for a while before walking closer to him, Hermione touched his cheeks, Harry's eyes closed on her warm touch somehow he felt very comfortable on her touch. Hermione stared at Harry with a serious expression on her face.

Hermione laced her fingertips to Harry's soft cheeks before staring unto his eyes. They stared into each other's eyes.

"Scared Harry, Very scared" 

Our Everafter: Saudade (A Harry Potter Fanfiction) [Harry and Hermione Ending]Where stories live. Discover now