part seven (2), headlines read Mystery Girl

Start from the beginning

"I've been really busy with work but I've been doing well"

He turned to Mia and gave her a hug as well, saying hello. She smiled and we took our seats at the table. I turned towards Tyler and continued the conversation,

"Oh yea, how is your new job going?"

Tyler was a journalist at one of the local papers in Brooklyn. When we met him over a year ago he was job searching and looking for a place where he can write, a couple of months ago he started his new job for the Brooklyn Eagle. His smile grew even bigger,

"It's been going really well, my boss has allowed me to be more open with my writing and letting me choose what I want to write from time to time."

I reached over and placed my hand on his forearm, 

"That's awesome Ty, I'm really happy for you."

Tyler then asked us,

"So ladies, are we drinking, eating, or a little bit of both?"

Mia and I both glanced each other and turned to Tyler at the same time saying,

"Drinking, definitely drinking"

He laughed at our reaction and headed towards the bar to order us some drinks. He returned shortly with a few beer bottles in his arms, I stood up and offered to help him out. He gave me a smile and said thank you. We were in the middle of drinking and catching up with one another when I noticed some commotion outside the window towards the front of the restaurant. There was a crowd of photographers, and I instinctively grabbed a hold of Mia's arm that was resting on the table. She peered down at my hand in confusion and then noticed what I had been staring at. The front door opened and none other than Callum Parker walked in, and all eyes were on him. You'd think he would notice all the people staring at him half the time, but he made it seem like he didn't care. 

He walked in so effortlessly, making everything look so easy. He was wearing a pair of dark jeans, a plain black t-shirt, brown leather boots, and a leather jacket. My heart leaped out of its chest, and my stomach felt like it had dropped to my knees. He could make anything look so good. He walked towards the bar and started talking with the bartender. 

Mia looked over at me and whispered,

"Did you know he was going to be here?"

I looked over at Cal confused and said,

"I..I didn't know he was. I mean I told him I had plans here tonight, but I never told him a time"

I looked over at Mia and she was curious, probably thinking the same question I was,"How did he know what time I'd be here?"

I looked over at Tyler and he was staring at Mia and I in confusion,

"Wait, Lena you know Callum Parker?"

I looked down at my lap and put a loose strand of hair behind my ear, responding to tyler 

"Uh.. I..I guess so yeah"

Mia shouted out, a little too loud for my comfort,

"Know him? She's been on a few dates with him"

I groaned under my breath as a few people looked in our direction, and I placed a hand over my eyes. I looked up and Tyler looked taken back slightly, and something flashed in his eyes for a split moment, sad maybe?

"Mia, will you please keep it down? I don't want all of Manhattan to know"

Mia and Tyler continued on with conversation and I was lost in my own little world, my eyes fixated on Cal's back that was facing towards me. I couldn't help but scan over his body. I never got to see him out of a suit that often, it was refreshing. I couldn't hear what Tyler and Mia were talking about as Cal then made his way back towards the door, my eyes never left him, I said under my breath,

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