Chapter Three

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Itaewon-dong, Seoul, South Korea

"I don't want to wake up," grumbled Liam his huskily burying is head under a pillow even as his manager pulled the blanket off of his torso revealing a black sleeveless t-shirt and loose fitting gray sleeping pants.

"You have to be on set in two hours," responded the man struggling to pull the pillow off Liam's head. "Plus," he added releasing the pillow and grabbing Liam's personal cellphone from his nightstand and holding it up with a teasing smile. "Someone in this room has messages all the way from Illinois from a sexy chocolate vixen with a smile that could bring a grown man to his knees."

Liam cut his eye toward his manager and sucked in air through his teeth.  Manager Deo Kang-Soo has been with him for five years and after a series of substantial raises had remained by his side as he navigated his career.  Sitting up quickly Liam snatched the phone from his manager's hand taking in first the time followed by the number of unread messages he had from Erika.  Groaning he ruffled his hair with a dark frown.   "Ah geez!  It's 6 am," he spat in frustration reaching for the pillow his only for his manager to grab it and throw it across the room."I need more sleep," he whined.  "My contract says all my shots are supposed to be after 8 am."

"Nonsense," smirked the tall, leaning man running a hand down his shirt as if to smooth out wrinkles.  He rocked back on his heels with a smug smile before reaching behind his back and coming back with a large steaming mug of coffee. "You have four scenes and one reshoot lined up for today, two fan signings one at that new posh place in Gangnam and dinner with VP Ryuk Chunyong."

Sipping his coffee Liam frowned, "Why?"

"Why what," inquired Kang-Soo without glancing up from the binder that held all of Liam's appointments.

Placing the mug on the onyx bedside table Lim narrowed his eyes. "Why am I having dinner with VP Ryuk?"

"Hmm," hummed the short man looking around the room in an attempt to avoid Liam's sharp eyes. "It may have to do with a certain rumor about you and your latest co-star."

Standing Liam frowned down at his toes peeking out at the bottom of his gray sleeping pants. "It's a stupid rumor why is he so interested in it," he mumbled narrowing his eyes as he considered the rumor.  "Is her agency attempting to fan the flames of ideal gossip?"

"You'll have to ask him," mumbled Kang-Soo again not meeting his eyes. 

Dismissing the conversation with a shrug Liam walked into the bathroom remerging moments later to grab his phone. "Almost forgot this," he smiled holding the gold tone device up for Kang-Soo to see. "I'll be out in a jiffy."

"Uh huh," nodded Kang-Soo disbelief etched into his expression. "I'm sure you'll be out just in time for us to make that 45-minute drive to set."

Liam gave another absent-minded shrug knowing his daily routine took at least an hour as he closed the door. Laying his device on the sink he turned on the shower. A ding with an image attached had him opening KakaoTalk.

"Fuck," he yelled swiping the screen until his contacts appeared and pressing the send button as soon as Erika's name appeared on the screen.

Taking a deep breath Liam attempted to rein in all the onslaught of feelings that were trying to choke him.  Resting a heavy hand on the countertop he pressed the end button without leaving a message. "Come on," he growled hitting the send again.

"Hello," came an rushed whispered.

"Erika," he almost shouted. "What was that?"

"What was what," responded Erika.  Liam could tell she was attempting to sound calm as he heard her car door slamming right before the engine of her car started. "I was going to ask who all those women were but decided that was too fucking obvious," she continued her voice tight with anger. "Then I thought why don't I ask him about all the awards he's won over the past few years but I was like no I think I should start the conversation on who my man really is with the million won question."

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