The Audition....

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       The room was packed with the dense atmosphere of competition and dedication. There were so many singers rehearsing their pieces close to perfection, dancers focused closely to their steps, and actors warming up with exercises. Everyone waiting for their turn all anxiously awaiting for their chance to earn a spot. "Zi Tao?" A lady called. Looking up from the brochure, Tao saw a lady dressed in a black and white casual business attire standing by the room entrance. She did not smile nor did she look up from her desk other than to say, "When you're ready."

                                                              Three Days Later...

          Tao was in the living room when his phone rang. "Hello?" Tao answered. "ZiTao, this is SM Entertainment we are calling to tell you that you must come back for an interview process. Will you be able to make it?'' Without hesitation Tao agreed. "Yes I will be able to, thank you so much thank you." The call ended and Tao had been holding onto his charm. His special silver panda necklace with his name engraved on the belly. This was a treasured gift Tao received many years ago before his closest friend moved away to the states. It had been 15 years since she left. Tao thought of her every time he held onto it. He remembered how funny and friendly she was, and the very first time they became friends. She was trying to defend a classmate that was being picked on, and had used her kungfu. 

           "You think you can take me?" The older boy had said. "I may be small but I have to protect my friends," the little girl had replied. The boys got closer to the boy who seemed to be unconsciously laying on the side of the building. "Don't touch my friend!" She cried, but was kicked over. Struggling to get back up she called to the unconscious boy to wake up, but there was no answer.  

            Tao remembered how he had stepped in to help them. How they fled after being exposed to his skills of wushu. In his head he heard the little girl's voice calling out to her unconscious friend.

"Yifan!! Yifan wake up please wake up, you're going to miss the plane." Her voice was full of worry, and then a car drove up to where they were. The boy opened his eyes to find that the girl had been by his side the whole time. 

         Disrupting Tao's flash back was a voice. "Huang Zitao? I'm your manager, don't worry about the interview we've got something for you to work on. You are now a trainee and you have a partner. Your partner and you will be a duo called EXO. Both of you will debut with fictitious powers, Tao you will have the power to control time, and your partner Kris has the power to fly. Your debut is the 8th of April this year. Do you think you can manage this?" 

                                                ONE MONTH PASSED...

      Tao and Kris had prepared tirelessly for their debut and today was the day to promote themselves in the Entertainment business. The roar from the crowd with the blazing screams of hundreds of girls encouraged the guys to perform at their peak. With every pulse, the rhythm of their song beated in unison. It was hard to leave the stage for the reason being they enjoyed the lime light. " That was great," said Kris. "I can't believe it either," Tao said.

            In the distance Tao heard their manager calling and he was calling for Kris, but the name he called for was familiar in a way. "Yifan! Yifan, we've something to tell you.

             The name triggered many images of the day he first met the little girl began streaming though like a broken record stuck on replay and it was that same name that was being called. Tao's hand went straight for his charm as he put his other hand onto Kris's right shoulder. Turning him Tao was unsure if Kris was really the same Yifan. Right as he was turning him, someone came in but not just anyone it was her. The same girl that had been his good friend for five years before she moved. The little girl who he had protected then was now back, but what he couldn't quite get straight was that she had been calling out Kris by the same name the manager had. 

                     Around the girl's neck was a charm similar to his with the name ChoHee on it. It was a baby panda with a ruby red decorated bow with her name on the belly, She called out to him again, Yifan!" This time she ran right past Tao and into Kris's arms. 

                       Shocked Tao could not fathom what was going on, could they both be from my past? He thought. It can't be can it?  The girl turned to congratulate Tao and froze as their eyes met. Her gaze slowly fell upon the panda around his neck.

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