Chapter Thirty Five

Start from the beginning

Gretchen leaned back against her pillow, trying to ease the headache she felt. She should have spent more time in bed before insisting on having a conversation with Ellie, she scolded herself. Yet, she couldn't help but admit to herself that she wouldn't have traded that moment; of watching Ellie fall in love with the strange man, for anything. It had been so beautiful to watch, Gretchen hadn't noticed when Ethan made his way outside to the front porch, until he spoke.

Until Gretchen, Ethan hadn't found the display of affection between Ellie and Bailey as romantic. Although he hadn't been angry, he hadn't exactly been pleased.

“They remind me of us.” Gretchen said, smiling at the memory of herself and Ethan and what it had been like to fall in love with him.

Ethan grunted. “I'm not exactly comfortable with Elizabeth's insistence that he moves in here.”

“Why is that?” A frown settled on Gretchen face as she pulled her eyelids open right on time to find Ethan settling on the bed beside her.

“He is Lord Wellington's butler.”

“And unsuitable for Ellie?” Gretchen rose a brow.

“I have no respect for societal class, my love.” He said, understanding her question. “Yet, the judge might not be pleased with his butler running away.”

“Then,” She said, placing her head on his chest. “We shall send word first thing tomorrow morning to Lord Wellington, informing him of his butler's decision to stop working for him.” She sighed. “And our daughter's decision to divorce his grandson.” She finished, pulling her eyelids shut and finally falling asleep.

Copyright © 2017 Lily Orevba All rights reserved.



I have struggled with this writer's block for a while and I wanted to make this chapter romantic, somewhat...So, i'm trying to get into 'romance gear' and my mum shows up with this story of 'judge Judy' episode she watched today and the last thing i want to do is listen. Why, you ask? Well, because i have this perfect mood for writing where i connect with my characters. When that happen, all i want to do is write.

So, here is my mum trying to force me to listen to her tale and here i am with a forced smile on my face. She moved from one case, to the other (i'm almost a lawyer so i'm apparently supposed to be interested in these things.) You cannot imagine the relief i felt when she finished her tale.

I think Ellie and Bailey are so perfect together! So adorable! What do you guys think? Hopefully, she'll get a divorce and be free from Frederick.

Who misses Caitlin? Haha. It's been a while since we heard from her so let's bring her back, shall we?

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