"I would like to be prepared for the occasion on which we will be" She says.

The other girls watch waiting for my response. I swallow my food then I reply.

"I will tell you, but I'm only going to give you a hint. And I might as well give the rest of you a hint also. Xenovia your hint is a race track, Emma your hint is a roller coaster, and Koneko your hint is a beach. There you go"

"A race track?" Xenovia says in a bit of confusion then picks up on the hint.

"I love roller coasters" Emma says with excitement.

"The beach? But you know I'm not good at swimming since the time you taught me at the pool" Koneko says.

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, don't question Koneko, just make sure you have a nice swimsuit that isn't your school swimsuit" I say.

"Okay (Y/n) I won't question any more" she says then gets a bit excited " I will make sure I have a nice swimsuit for you to look at"

I smile then we all resume to eating our food.

{Time skip}

It was about 10:30 and I was putting stuff in the truck of the Copper painted Mercades benz for me and Lily's date.

After I was finished I went back inside to see a Lily in a beautiful dress that went to right below her knees and it had blue flowers in it.

It reminded me of something my mother would wear when she took me to the park before it all went to shit. When she saw me she did a twirl around letting me see the dress all around.

"Do you like it?" Lily asks me.

"Yes I do, you look beautiful" I say then walk close to her then lock lips with her.

She wraps he arms around my neck then seperates.

"I'm glad that you love it on me" she says then asks "Where are the other girls?"

"They went to go do their pacts, there are always pacts that we need to get done" I then say with my hand out to her. "Now shall we get to our date"

"Yes we shall" she replies then places her hand in mine.

We walk into the garage hand in hand. When we get to the car I open up the passenger side door for Lily. She gets in then I close the door, I then walk to the drivers side and got in the car. I started the engine then drove out of the garage to our destination.

As I drove Lily looked nervous as she looked out the window.

"This is weird because she was having random times that she would be bold then go back to her usual self, but I'm her first boyfriend after all, plus I'm the one she had a crush on for how long" I thought after taking a glance at Lily.

After a few minutes of still driving on the mountain I turn onto a dirt road that lead into a forest. Lily looked at me confused but I just smiled at her. Then after about 20 minutes we were at our destination.

"Were here" I say and Lily gives me another confused look.

"Why are we in the middle of a forest?" She asks me.

"Because we're close to where the setting of our first date will be" I say with a reasuring smile.

"If you says so then" she says back.

We get out of the car and I open the trunk. In the trunk was a picnic basket, a few pillows for us to sit on, and a blanket. She then gets a small hint on what's happening.

I grab the pinic basket and Lily grabbed the blanket and pillows. I closed the trunk then start walking on a path through the woods. After the small walk we reached a waterfall with a pool that lead into a stream. Lily looked in awe as she looked up at the waterfall and at the stream.

High School DXD: Chaos ( X Male Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang