That night- Chapter 11

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"Don't worry, we're just joking" Namjoon giggled

As everyone was laughing and having a good time, I stared at Jungkook for awhile, when he noticed he gave me a soft smile and stared at me back. Our eyes didn't leave each other... This sent butterflies down my stomach, the urge of just kissing him was bad... I just wanted to grab and kiss him and make him mine already... When we were done eating dinner, We all then left and went outside. Everyone was too busy laughing and giggling, and it also distracted me too. We all then decided to go to a ice cream shop kind of close to the restaurant. We sat down on our chairs, and we started talking. I then looked around and I didn't see Jungkook.

"Where's Jungkook?"

"I don't know... I thought he was with us?" Jimin asked

"Call him, Taehyung." Jin said

I then got my phone out, and dialed his number. He wasn't picking up his phone, which started to make me panic.

"He isn't picking up..."

"How could've we lost him...?" Yoongi asked

"We were too busy doing our own thing... After all he's the one who paid for the dinner, and then we probably left without him..." Jin said "I'm starting to worry... Jungkook does know where he is, he's been here before... We have to go back." Jin added

"Ok... First let's calm down ok? Jungkook will be alright." Namjoon said

We all got up and went back to the restaurant. He wasn't there, he wasn't anywhere, we asked the cashier if he saw him, but he said he didn't know where he was. We all started to panick... We kept calling his phone but he wasn't picking up... Then we decided to check the cameras outside and inside the restaurant. We couldn't find anything, until we saw a footage of Jungkook paying the dinner, as we all left him behind, apparently he was having some trouble paying for the dinner because his credit card kept getting declined, but then it worked, after he was done paying he went outside, and then a man came up to him and grabbed him by the neck, we saw as Jungkook wanted to escape, but the man was much stronger than him, he looked like he was in his 40's. The man then led Jungkook to the back of the restaurant, he then kept hitting him, and punching him. I then stopped and ran as fast as I could, I headed towards the back of the restaurant, and their I saw Jungkook... He was filled with blood around his arms, and legs... I then saw the man who was beating him up, he was very tall indeed... He was wearing a face mask. The man then saw me and got his gun out, and pointed it out at me.

"Taehyung... D-Don't... P-p-please..." Jungkook said weakly

I saw Jungkook, he was crying a lot... I hated seeing him like this...

"Please don't do this... Let him go, he doesn't deserve this..."

"Why should I let him go?! What's he to you?!" The man screamed

"He... He...---"

"Taehyung stay back!" Jin screamed

I turned around and saw Jin, that's when the police came, then the man stopped pointing his gun at me, and pointed it at Jungkook, he then pulled the trigger, and shot the side of his stomach... The man tried to run away but then he got caught by the police.

"Jungkook!" I cried "Are you ok?!" I screamed

I kneeled down and held Jungkook on my arms, he was bleeding a lot on his stomach... His face was bruised and his arms were filled with scratches and bruises, his eyes were weak.

"T-Taehyung... I-it... h-hurts..." Jungkook cried

"I know... I'm right here for you, just don't close your eyes... Keep them awake. Please survive Jungkook... We need you here with us..."

Tears were falling out of my eyes, I held him tightly... I just didn't want to let go of him... The other members kept making sure Jungkook was alright, they were all panicking... The ambulance then came and picked Jungkook up, the ambulance then drove off to the Hospital... The members and I then went to the car and drove off to the Hospital too... The scene kept playing in my head over and over again... Why couldn't I do nothing...? Why wasn't I there with him...? I could've saved him otherwise right...? This is all my fault... I should've watched him and protected him... But I didn't... Please Jungkook... Survive for me...

I Love You | Vkook fanfiction (Completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin