"What are your feelings for him?"- Chapter 5

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Jungkook's POV:

I woke up thinking about what happened yesterday... I felt hurt by V's words... Was it his intention to say that? He quickly seemed to reject me whenever J-Hope dared him to kiss me... I was actually looking forward to that kiss... I'm so stupid... I wanted to cry... Is he playing around with my feelings...? Me and him almost kissed that day when we were alone... Did it mean nothing to him...? This is making me stress a lot... Today I went for a walk to the beach and I saw Jin. I told him about what happened yesterday and how sad I felt... He said that he would talk to V later today... Which made me more nervous... Jin left, I then called Jimin so we can hang out today. When Jimin came we both went to mini food shops, we kept trying out new foods to eat. I actually had a lot of fun with him... We kept talking, then Jimin let out a little laugh.

"What's wrong?"

"It's funny how I keep trying to get Yoongi's attention, but it never works..." Jimin sighed "I try to make him jealous, but he just doesn't seem to care much..." Jimin said

"You like Yoongi?"

"Yeah... I wish I can tell him... Oh will..." Jimin said "What about you? Anyone your interested in?" Jimin asked


"I knew it!! I knew you liked him!!" Jimin screamed

"Be quiet Jimin!"

"Oh, sorry... It's really obvious that you guys like each other." Jimin said

"I don't know... Yesterday he seemed to reject me whenever J-Hope dared him to kiss me... It kind of hurt me..."

"Probably it wasn't his intention. Hey let's not worry about this! Let's have some fun today!" Jimin screamed


Me and Jimin spent all morning together going to arcades and to the beach. When we finished we went back to the hotel... Jimin wanted to go with J-Hope to the store to get some food for the members. I headed towards my room, but then I heard Jin and V talking inside of their room... I didn't want to eavesdrop but then I heard my name... And that brought my attention... I came closer to the door and put my ear next to the door to hear the conversation, I couldn't quite hear the conversation because Jin was becoming more quite.

"What about Jungkook?" V asked

"You probably know what this is about... Do you...?" Jin paused "Let me just say this clear... What are your feelings for him?" Jin asked

"Jungkook?" V asked

"Yes. What are your feelings towards Jungkook?" Jin asked

"Jin..." V said

"You have to answer Taehyung." Jin commanded

I didn't want to hear the conversation anymore... Whenever V said that, I knew immediately what he was going to say... I didn't want to listen anymore... I backed away a little then I decided to go back to hearing the conversation... But that's when I instantly regretted everything...

"---I don't like Jungkook." V answered

I then felt a huge pain in my heart... I stepped away from the door and headed towards my room... I wanted to die in this exact moment... Why...? All those stares, touches, flirting... Were for nothing...? It meant nothing to him...? Tears were falling down my eyes... And I laid down on my bed, I covered myself with the bedsheets and I soon started to cry... He didn't like me... Not at all... He only saw me as a friend... And I? I saw more than just a friend... I'm so stupid... I just want to stay here all day... I want no one to interrupt me... I want to be alone... I've heard enough today... I have the truth now... I have to move on now... "He doesn't like me" I kept repeating those words in my head... I have to accept it... But why does it hurt so much to say it...? I then rested my eyes and I was fallen asleep.

V's POV:

Jin wanted to talk to me today about what my feelings are for Jungkook... I then had to tell him everything... The members wanted to go to the beach today and I agreed to go... I packed my stuff and headed downstairs, I saw all of the members except for one person... It was Jungkook. Where was he? Why didn't he come? I then asked Jimin.

"Jimin... Where's Jungkook?"

"He says he couldn't come because he said he's sick. He said he'll be alright." Jimin answered

"That's unusual he was perfectly fine yesterday..." Jin said

"Who knows? You can get sick in just one day. He'll be fine." Jimin said "Or he probably just wanted to rest. I don't know... Come on guys! Let's go!" Jimin screamed

I then left with the members to the beach... Something wasn't right here... Something's wrong with Jungkook... But what is it? Why is he acting strange all of a sudden?


I hate writing sad Vkook moments... But I just wanted to add a little bit of spice to the story .-. Thank you for reading my stories >_< it really means a lot. I am kind of bad at writing because I'm new to this whole writing thing. Ok bye lol. I have to go to bed now. Goodnight!💕 ,.-.,

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