Chapter 22: Will You Throw Away Your Shot?

Start from the beginning

Eliza dropped her phone. Angelica turned her head.

Audrey was there instantly, hugging Eliza, asking her what was wrong.

Aurora lunged for the phone, ready for any information about her brother.

"Mr. Henry Laurens." The name was spat out like it was something vile.

Angelica closed her eyes.





This time, Angelica wasn't the only one screaming.


One Week Later (Timeskip brought to you by Alexander Hamilton being a terrible artist)

Eliza was in the living room, stressing. Her father was stone cold when she asked for his money to keep John on life support.

He only had one week left to live.

"Who even is this Laurens kid? Doesn't he have a family?"

Eliza sighed. "We've been over this Dad, he's poor!"

She could almost feel her dad glaring at her. "I will not fund anymore. From what you say, he's a lost cause! No use wasting my money!"

"He means a lot to Angelica! She's been... depressed,"

"Bah! Angelica shouldn't marry someone poor. I say get rid of him and she'll be happy again. This Lauren's must be abusing her or something."

"Dad. What. The. Actual. Heck."

"Watch your language. I will not to be providing anything! Goodbye young lady!"

"Well, either you do this or I drop out!"

But he was already gone.

Eliza banged her head against the desk.
Alex and Angelica, the two people who she relied on the most were now absolute statues, frozen in pain. She was now the person everyone relied on, her and Philip.

"Angie, you need to eat something," She turned to her sister.

Angelica looked blankly at her, and got up. She headed off to the bathroom, which Eliza thought was strange. Who goes to eat in a bathroom?

"Alex, try to eat too," Alexander stared at his fiance and got up to sit next to her.

"Elizabeth, we can't keep pretending this will all be better soon,"

"Well, Alexander, we have to, for her,"

"She spends all her time in the bathroom,"

"It's not healthy,"

"It's been a week,"

"Too long,"

Say something, Angelica, before you shut everything out.

Angelica's POV

Trigger Warning: Self-harm, please do not read if this is offensive or triggering.

Angelica took a shaky breath.



John Laurens, the only one who knew her secret, who supported her through everything. The one who complimented her each morning because he knew her insecurities. The one who everyone thought that she hadn't known for long, but in reality, seemed like he had known her for millions of years. The one she know knew she was in love with.

The one who was going to die soon.

Angelica yanked the sleeve of her sweater up. He would never support her doing this.

He wouldn't be alive in a week.

Neither would she.

He took his own life to save her.


It didn't matter.

Nothing would matter in a week. 

Don't ever think the world would be better off without you! You're an amazing, wonderful, unique person, and you can PM me or Infinity_Moon_36 if you just wanna talk it out. 

@Infinity_Moon_36 is starting a message chain for anyone who needs comfort or wants to talk with others... check out her messages. It would be really cool if everyone could just post an inspirational message to someone who might be going through a hard time, so when they read it, they know they're not alone. 


- Angelica and Eliza. 

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