•Chapter 4•

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•Chapter 4•

•Grace's POV•

"You really think he's on his way there?" I asked Daryl. We sat across from each with a small fire in-between us. "If Merle sees sanctuary, he's gonna get there," Daryl said throwing a twig into the fire.

"Toughest asshole I know, my brother. He's been to jail countless times for bar fights and shit, but he always come back with a smirk on his face," Daryl continued.

I let out a sigh and watched the flames rise and fall. "Why would these people want others to come to them? That's only more mouths to feed," I stated my opinion. "I dunno. Maybe they're jus' tryin' to help people. It might be run by the government," Daryl said.

Merle had the tent so we were sleeping on the ground tonight. A slight chill ran through the air making me have goosebumps. I grasped my blanket tighter and brought it up to my mouth.

"How did you learn how to fight?" Daryl looked up at me. I glanced at him and back at the flames,"Had no choice but to start towards the beginning. I was self taught. I'd practice after I would take watch. Round up some biters and kill 'em to get used to on sight attack."

He nodded his head,"Get some sleep. We gotta big day tomorrow." I sighed deeply as I snaked into my sleeping bag that I sat on top of. It was slightly cold, but my body heat warmed it up. I tried to get the flames to lull me to sleep, but I only saw Daryl across from me. He had his knees pulled up to his chest with his arms rested on top.

I shuffled in my bag to get comfort, but found none. Would we find Merle? Was he just lost forever? Merle was capable of taking care of himself, but what if he was caught up in a bind? I didn't know why Daryl was so determined to find him since Merle was an asshole. I guess because he's family and that's something worth fighting for.

•The Next Morning•

Daryl shook me lightly to wake me careful of any attack. He must've remembered from the Merle incident. "C'mon. We gotta get movin' to catch up to Merle," Daryl commanded. He was bent over me with his hand out.

I opened my eyes abruptly. Sunlight burnt my pupils as I looked at his straight face. "You didn't wake me up to take my shift?" I asked groggily as I rose from my rest.

"I needed ta think. I might as well just let you sleep," he sighed as he stood up straight. I sat up and looked around me. Daryl already packed up everything out kicked dirt on the fire to make it go out. The only thing that was left was my sleeping bag and me.

I rose from the warm sheets and stuffed them in my bag. Daryl watched me get my things together as he stood there with everything he owned loaded on his back. His crossbow lay in his hands pointed to the ground.

I let out a sigh as I waited for Daryl to start to lead the way. He started walking forward where the tracks were. We made it to the open without a sound to the tracks. Daryl trudged to the center of the railroad and kept going North. I followed close behind not wanting to speak since I wasn't up for it.

The gravel between the bars crunched underneath our feet. Terminus seemed like years away, but it was probably about another day trip. I wondered about our next maneuver if Terminus was overrun or a fail. Could we just wander around like ghosts the same as before or will we be scarred for life after? Will Merle lead us to our death by showing us the signs of Terminus?

Daryl was a few steps ahead of me as he scanned the area. He held his weapon prepared to shoot anything that might come out of the woods or game if we were lucky. His eyes narrowed at our surroundings. There was nothing in sight, but he still seemed tense.

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