Chapter 12

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Layla was in a private car, the windows tinted and the fancy classical music playing quietly. She looked out the window at the glistening ocean and the shining sun and wondered how she could feel so destroyed in such a beautiful place. But she was determined not to show it, not to anyone. She wasn't going to let Hakeem ruin her opportunity. Even if he was the reason for it...

As she approached closer and closer to the party on the beach she could see hundreds and hundreds of people dancing on the sand. A big set of speakers up on a stage with a DJ, blaring out "Drip Drop". Beautiful girls in tiny bikinis twerked and danced to the music while the boys stood topless admiring the scene with a cocktail in their hands. Instagram celebrities, to the real life Kitty were all there.

Layla wasn't going to let her nerves get the better of her, she had to do this, even though all these people had probably seen the disaster that happened before her performance.

The driver stepped out the front and opened the door for her and Layla stepped outside.

People were dancing and laughing and having fun all around her, and she started to feel a little better.

She looked around trying to spot someone to talk to or that she might recognise, when a pretty dark-skinned girl reached out and grabbed her hand whilst still dancing.

Layla recognised her as Nessa, Andre's new girlfriend.

"Oh my god, Nessa!" Layla said surprised.

"Hey girl," She said smiling, "Are you OK I saw what happened earlier."

Layla felt so relieved she had someone to talk to, "I'm OK I guess I just can't believe Keem would do that to me."

"Neither can I, I have seen how he looks at you in pictures and on the TV, never seen a nigga so geeked," Nessa shakes her head, "But unfortunatley he has acquired the fuck boy gene."

Layla nodded in agreement her heart aching a little bit at what Nessa said about the way Hakeem looked at her. Why did he have to mess up?

"But don't worry about it baby, enjoy your day today," Nessa shouted over the music. She grabbed a cocktail from one of the beach staff and handed it to Layla.

Layla took it and sipped it as she danced around to the loud music playing. Lots of the boys were watching her as she danced, but one in particular seemed to be staring shamelessly as Nessa and her spun around and shook their bums. He was tall and mixed race with tight muscles and a chiselled six pack.

He had cornrows going back over his head and bright red bandanna covering his forehead. He was chatting with his friends, and when he smiled Layla could see a sparkling set of grills covering his teeth. He looked pretty familiar but Layla couldn't remember where she recognised him from.

He was pointing at her as he talked, his eyes never leaving her, but his head turning to face his friends.

Layla didn't know what to do, she didn't want to go up to him, it would give everyone the wrong idea about her, that she dumped Hakeem and literally five minutes later she has moved on.

But it turns out she didn't have to go to him after all, because he was already making his way over to her.

"Hey baby," he said casually taking a slow sip on his drink.

"Hey," Layla replied nervously. She wasn't used to getting all this attention-especially not from the opposite sex.

"Sorry but I couldn't help noticing you looked mighty fine from over there," The boy said flashing his grills.

Layla cringed a little bit but was still polite because she didn't want to hurt his feelings.

"Thanks," she said and tried to carry on dancing.

"Come to the bar with me and so we can talk properly," He said gesturing to the bar behind them.

"I'm ok I have a drink already," Layla was already feeling a little bit lightheaded off her one cocktail.

"Come on baby you really got a nigga out here begging?" The boy said laughing.

He seemed pretty persistent so against her better judgement Layla decided to give in.

"Okay," she said sighing and smiling weakly.

He took her hand and led her over to a couple empty seats. Despite having a gorgeous boy offering her a drink, her mind was still on Hakeem.

She slid onto a stool and he sat opposite her, but by now a group of paparazzi had gathered around them. Layla was so confused.

There were A-listers EVERYWHERE why where they all focused on her and some random guy.

"Why are they all gathered round us?" She asked worriedly.

"I don't know," the boy shrugged, "but how about we give them something to look at?"

Layla opened her mouth to ask what he meant when he crashed his lips in to hers.

For a moment she was stunned then she snapped out of it and pushed him away from her, hurt and confused.

She could hear the sounds of the camera shutters closing and she could see the frantic flashes. Then amongst the murmuring she heard someone say:

"Gram and Layla kissing!!!! This is the best picture I got in goddamn months."

Layla's eyes widened.

She knew she recognised the boy from somewhere.


Layla had just kissed Tiana Browns ex-boyfriend.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2017 ⏰

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