Chapter 1

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It was a cold Friday evening and the rich dark blue sky was filled with little shimmery stars. On the edge of town there was a little Taco Bell, almost empty of customers because it was so late. The few staff members which remained sat in the kitchen in the back chatting quietly. All apart from eighteen year old Layla who was stood behind the tills tending to the occasional customer. 

She wore the black taco bell uniform her black cap she had to wear resting on the counter next to her because she couldn't fit it over her dark brown bouncy curls that were in a big ponytail on top her head. Although she couldn't wear nice clothes to work she tried her best with her makeup to make her look nice, and a pair of Adidas superstars on her feet. 

She couldn't help but think about all the college work she had to do that night, while she twiddled her hair in her painted pink finger nails. 

Then all of a sudden a group of around ten boys busted through the Taco Bell door, laughing and shouting. Layla stood up a little bit, because they had made her jump out of her daydream. She also felt a little bit nervous because she was so shy. 

The boys were carrying a few bottle of whisky and alcohol and were all dressed very expensively. A few dark skin and light skin boys all wearing fresh trainers and chains around their necks, with golden and silver grills on their bottom teeth. 

In the centre of all of them was a muscular light skin boy. He had black hair in tight curls on top of his head the rest was freshly shaven. He was wearing a red and blue jacket with a white top underneath. He had a golden chain round his neck and a grill in his teeth, he was smiling and laughing and walked slowly and surely in the middle of all these guys. 

"That stripper was freaking amazing!" One of the boys holler as they move towards the counter. 

"Yo we need to hit that club again," Another one nods and swigs a bit of whiskey. 

"What you think Keem?" One of them slaps the boy at the centre on the back. 

"That shit was LIT!" He shouts and pumps his fist in the air smiling. 

They came up to the counter and a few of them slouched on it lazily and smiled. A few other wolf whistled at Layla and she felt herself blush red and get a little embarrassed. 

The one in the middle emerges from the centre of the pack and sways to the counter clearly a little bit drunk. 

Layla gets hit by a huge waft of the smell of alcohol. 

"How can I help you?" Layla tries to say confidently. 

"We been out partying all night, and I'm gon' need like fifty tacos for my homies right now k cutie?" A dark skin boy pipes up from the back. Layla feels worried. 

"So what exactly is your order sorry?" She asks nervously. 

"10 soft chicken tacos, 10 double decker taco supremes, and 5 bean burritos, is that alright boys?" A tall hench mixed race boy says leaning in and winking at the end. 

This is going to come to a lot of money- Layla thought. 

"That will be 30 dollars please," Layla says wondering how rich these boys must be to be able to spend 30 dollars on tacos. Layla wasn't very rich, she couldn't afford to throw away 30 dollars like that. 

"Shit you got any more money?" One asks. 

"I threw it all at that strippers fine little booty," One replies. 

The boy that keeps catching Layla's eyes pats his pockets and then frowns. He leans across the counter his big brown eyes inches away from Layla's. Layla started getting butterflies in her stomach and she didn't even know why. 

"Listen baby, I'm sure you can fix me and my boys with a few tacos for free," He whispers quietly, his breath tickling Laylas face. 

"I I I'm so sorry I can't do that I would be in trouble with my boss," Layla says honestly. 

A few of the boys snicker and Layla blushes even more. 

"Babe, do you know who I am?" The boy asks raising an eyebrow. 

Layla didn't think she knew this boy but now come to think of he did look a little bit familiar.

"I'm Hakeem Lyon," He stood up and flexed his muscles while his boys whooped and clapped. 

It all fell into place in Layla's head, the partying, the nice clothes, the fact the boy had called him "Keem". 

He was the famous rapper Hakeem from the Lyon family that runs empire. 

Layla can't help but widen her eyes and her mouth fell open a little bit. 

"Listen you really damn fine, so Imma ignore the fact you didn't' know who I was, if," Hakeem Lyon moves his head so it's next to Laylas and his mouth brushes her hair and whispers, "You give me your number."  

Oh my days-Layla thought in her head. 

"I will go get your tacos," She nods and runs to the kitchen where she quickly gets all the tacos they wanted ten of each, and then five burritos.  

She brings them back and the boys scoop them up happily smiling. She couldn't help but scream in her head-I just served Hakeem Lyon. 

"You forgot one thing baby," He says before they turn to leave, "Your number." 

Layla didn't know what to do. She never really talked to boys at her college and she couldn't believe what was happening. 

She didn't want to disobey a Lyon. She reached for a sharpie behind the till and on a napkin scribbled her mobile number. 

She had never been asked for a number let alone by Hakeem Lyon and she was in pure shock. 

He took it out of her hand and smiled. 

"You freaking beautiful," He shakes his head before stuffing the napkin in her work hat and placing the hat on his own head. 

He blows a kiss, then he turns to leave with his boys behind him, leaving Layla stunned. 

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