Chapter 21: Meetings

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Cemal crept into the hall in front of Yaz’s room. His butterscotch brown eyes searched the hall on either side to be sure no one saw him, then he rapped on Yaz’s door with a soft touch, noting that the noise would echo if he was too loud.

The shadows of early morning sifted over the halls as the balboa trees in the courtyard beneath Yaz’s window swayed and creaked in the breeze. Cemal shifted from foot to foot, eyes roaming the hall continuously, taking in the shapes and patterns emerging in the inky blackness further down to be certain no one lurked there.

The stone of the hall was chilly under his bare feet, and he was glad when Yaz opened her door to let him into her room with its snapping, crackling fireplace and thick Aramaic rugs. He sighed, smiling at her as he stepped onto the carpet, silent and dark as a panther.

She shut the door quietly, the soft click indicating that she’d locked it as well.

Turning to him, she gave him that beaming smile he hadn’t seen for months. He had almost given up all hope of seeing it again during his long months of absence. But here he was, beholding her smile once more, and her joy filled him with warmth.

Walking to her, he wrapped his arms around her, burying his face between her shoulder and neck. She laughed softly, wrapping her arms about his neck and resting her head on his shoulder. “Cemal…” She murmured.

Her voice sent tingles rushing down his spine. How long it seemed since he had heard her beautiful voice. “Yaz, it has been to long…” He breathed in deeply. “I have missed you so much…” He murmured, tears coming to his eyes. “All those long months… I began to lose hope of seeing you again.” He admitted in a whisper.

She pulled back, smiling at him and wiping his tears away. “Don’t cry, Cemal… You are back now. And you aren’t going anywhere. Father pardoned you, and he will reinstate you as royal assassin in due time. Believe me… He has left the position open for months despite the worry he might need one to fill your spot. I think he still hoped you’d come back with a reason for him to pardon you, though he never spoke of you.” She hesitated, her eyes drifting to the sparks flying off the fire and hitting the fire grate.

The flames leapt and danced, their gold and red hues flickering on Yaz’s face as she gazed into the fire. “The first month or so… They were awful months. He hardly spoke to me… He missed you too, Cemal. He missed you very much. You were like a son to him, despite the fact that you were neither my sibling, nor my husband…” She murmured. “You know, I believe he’s hoped for years that we would wed…”

Cemal wrapped his arms around her again, pulling her into him so that her back rested against his chest. He laid his chin on top of her head, liking the soft, silken feel of her hair brushing his chin and cheeks. He gazed into the fire with her, silent for a while. Then he spoke. “That will work to our advantage.”

Yaz sighed, leaning her head back into his chest. “You spoke to him last night?”

“I did…” Cemal smiled, something he hadn’t done since he left the palace to head into exile.

“What did he say?”

Cemal shrugged, tightening his arms around her. “He said it was your choice, Yaz. The very thing I expected him to say…”

“So I don’t have to marry Gafar?” She whispered, hardly daring to believe it.

“Not if you don’t wish to.” Cemal whispered in her ear, placing a kiss on her earlobe, then on her cheek as she turned her head towards him.

Her eyes fluttered closed, her dark lashes brushing her ivory cheeks.

Cemal smiled, loving that he had this effect on her.

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