part seven (1), headlines read Mystery Girl.

Start from the beginning

I began to type up a response,

"Dear Ms. Mia, I am writing to you in response to your email and I am happy to inform you that I will be joining you and Tyler at O'Hara's tonight. Don't worry I'll tell you everything, just be patient ;) - Love, Lena"

Tyler was a good friend of ours, we met him at Panini's one morning and we all instantly became really good friends. At the time he had recently moved to NYC, which was over a year ago now. Mia has told me so many times that she thinks Tyler might have a thing for me, but honestly I don't really think so. I could never see myself with him though, and I would never want to ruin our friendship with a relationship because we think we owe it to ourselves to try.

I clicked on the unread message from Callum, my hand slightly shaking as I move the mouse. My heart instantly starts to beat a little faster. It says,

"Good Morning Ms. Lena, meet me in the lobby of Ainsworth & Johnson at 11:00 am. I am taking you out for lunch. - Callum"

I close out of my email, thinking to myself,

"How did he know when I had my lunch breaks?", and

"How did he get my email address?"

I check the time on my computer it reads, 10:50 am. I curse under my breath and rush to grab my things together. I log out of my computer and see the pile of submissions I still have on my desk, and I start to become hesitant about going to lunch with Callum. I really should get more done, and I could just grab a quick bite in the cafeteria in the building, giving me more time to finish. I then see Mia peering in my direction, confusion written all over her face as she sees I have my coat on and purse hanging on my left arm.

"Callum is downstairs waiting to take me out to lunch. I don't know if I should go, I mean I have so much.."

Mia immediately interupts me,

"Just go, I have been here since 6 am and I can help you out with your remaining submissions when you get back. Have fun" and she gives me a warm genuine smile.

I hug her quickly before leaving towards the elevator,

"Thank you Mia, see you later"

I look at my reflection in the elevator door, my waves had become looser and slightly frizzy. I run my fingers through my hair trying to give it more life and I adjusted my clothes while letting out a breath. I was getting nervous by the second each time I was passing a floor until the elevator dinged, alarming me I was at the lobby. I stepped out into the lobby and my eyes were immediately drawn to Callum. His back was towards me, and he was wearing a black suit. He peered down at his watch and looked slightly nervous/anxious. It caught me off guard and I stopped walking. I just stood in place admiring him from afar wondering if he was thinking I wasn't going to show. I looked away from him and said hello to Karen at the front desk, she returned a smile and then suddenly her eyes adverted away from me. I looked in front of me sensing someone and noticed Callum was right there. I backed up slightly noticing how close he was to me. His tall stature made me feel small as he took a step closer to me, closing the space between us. His husky deep voice said through a smirk, making goosebumps raise on my skin,

"I am glad you came Ms. Darling. Come on, Harrison is waiting outside for us."

I smiled up at him and he wrapped his right arm around my waist and guided me outside. I smiled at Harrison while saying hello and Callum opened the door to the car for me. I stepped inside and slid into the back seat. Callum joined me momentarily and slid himself inside next to me and then we began to drive away. I could feel the warmth of his body radiating off of him as he sat close to me, instantly making my body relax. I looked over at Callum and before I could ask where we were going he answered my question. He leaned in close to me whispering, his breath hitting my cheek,

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