Chapter 19 ~ Half & Half

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Chapter 19 ~ Half & Half


I awoke in a room, I tried to rub my throbbing head but my wrists were held down with belts, as were my ankles as I sat in a chair reminding me of an electric chair. I looked around, my vision hazy in the bright white room. Nothing inhabited the room with me as I sit back sighing.

Soon I heard a door click open and slam shut behind me, Jane trailed her long black nails down my cheek and I snap, trying to bite her. She pulls away and laughs.

“Aw you’re still fighting?” She says cheekily looking down at me.

“I will always fight.” I say.

She rolled her eyes and leaned on one hip, “Because you tried so hard back at the coffee shop, aye?”

I snarl, “Shut the fuck up you freak.”

“I’m the freak? Have you looked in the mirror yet, killer?” She growled.

“I have, thank you.” I say, my black hair falling in my face, but I still glared at her.

She scoffed, “Mmm, well I’m going to take that away from you.”

I raise an eyebrow, “Take away what?”

“Your insanity, more of a blessing really.” She says as she pulled out a helmet to go over my head and smiled wickedly, like she knew how much paint it would put me in.

I struggle against my bonds, “NO!” I shout and rock the chair.

Officers I hadn’t noticed stopped me from rocking my chair and held it down and I begin freaking out, screaming for the pastas to help me, as if they’d burst in and save the day and Jane just watched me freak out with a sickly sweet smile on her face.

“Should we put him under Officer Black?” One asks.

“No, I want to watch this one suffer.” She smiled, “He’s my special one.”

I glare up at her though my thick hair and still try to fight it, even my mutant strength can’t get out of this trap as Jane makes her way closer with the helmet in hand.

She managed to put it on as I was seemingly headbanging or pulling a ‘Willow Smith’ trying to get it away from me until the officers held my back by my shoulders and held onto my head as the helmet was slipped on.

She flipped the switch as pain erupted throughout my body as I screamed in agony as I was forced to keep my eyes open, watching Jane laugh in success. I watched as my right fist grew from my albino white color to a peach finally settling to my old olive skin tone, the right side of my hair was turning back to its light chocolate brown color and my wound on the right side as well was healing up, my eye felt funny as the feeling grew until I heard thuds through my screaming, blood splattered everywhere as I saw a frantic Clockwork in front of me.

“Jeff!” She screamed as she found the helmet’s switch and the pain ceased but she looked at me like I was a freak and gasped, tears rolled down her face as other figures were around me, as I heard struggling coming from where Jane had stood before.

The light dimmed in my vision and dots covered it as well as I heard Slendy’s voice in my head before I went unconscious.

Oh Jeff, what have you done to yourself?


Okay can we talk about how awesome this chapter is? Ha!

I got the idea from one of my favorite authors, Blood Sapphire and its thanks to her I got to use this idea (: Thanks girlie, you rock! \m/

Also wanted to say this story almost had 1k reads :D Thanks you guys! 

Is it bad to say we love writing this story? Yes no?

How are you guys loving it? (:

What's gonna happen to Jeff?

Now I need 10 COMMENTS before I update the next chapter!

Go To Sleep |Jeff The Killer Fan-Fic|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz