Finally the long awaited moment had come and Martha and James are ready to accept Islam, I thought they will never do it considering the fact that it comes with a lot of consequences but who can change what Allah had already planned since before we came into the world and whoever Allah had guided right none can put astray .To say that we are happy is an understatement ,we found an Islamic sheikh who came for a conference from Medina and he asked them to repeat the kalimah ,Taseer tugged my hands while tears of joy rolled down my cheeks Hajia cried too and Martha's name was changed to Aminah while James became Muhammad .When asked why they choose the name Martha smiled and said " because it's the name of the woman that brought light to earth ,a salvation to mankind and the most pious being to have lived and walked the earth ,having a name after her will give me pride and inspire me to be good and teach my son the best of manners even though she wasn't able to bring him up herself " that made us all looked at her with awe and I don't need to ask James because I know they share the same reason as to the names they've chosen for themselves .The sheikh gave them some tips as to how to get used to the new faith ,recommending a lot of Islamic books.After he left Hajia gave Aminah a wrapped gift box with a digital Qur'an in it , a counter , an Arabian perfume and lots of hadith's with Arabic text ,transliteration and English translations for easy comprehension .
Taseer's gave them a beautifully decorated Qur'an with it's holder and I gave them my favorite book Enjoy your life by Dr Abdulrahman Al Arifi it is all about the life of the author and the life of the prophet it's about how to live life to the fullest and treat people with humility and kindness I got it when I was trying to change my arrogant attitude online but later bought the hard copy ,how to drive away fear and how to develop your interpersonal skills ,its a book everyone who is having issues on people's criticism and self consciousness should read, Hisnul Muslim and other useful dua books .

" Today is the best day of my life mom " Muhammad said as we were eating he looks so happy I wanted to bottle that moment for him and keep it forever .Aminah smiled lovingly at her son " I've been waiting for this day since before I know what's missing In my life ,there's always this void ,a feeling of emptiness I feel even though we have everything we could ever ask for and I used to complain to your dad ,I wish he's here today and he will accept the faith ,he was a good man and I hope Allah will forgive him ,but the moment I recite the kalimah I feel complete and I'm not afraid to die right this moment. May Allah reward you people with the best home in jannah ,what you did to my son and I is priceless and I am thankful that our paths crossed in life " Aminah said with so much emotion holding unto Hajia's hands ,if not because they are both females I could've suggested they get married ,they care about each other so much you can see it clearly in their eyes .
" You have no idea what you've also done to us by accepting the faith because of us and we will forever be thankful for that ,I pray that Allah will continue to guide us all and may we meet in jannah in shaa Allah " Taseer said giving Muhammad a big bear hug ,I hugged Aminah too and after lunch we went to see the company, Aminah said she wanted to announce it to everyone about her conversion even though she's nervous that woman is strong and fearless and she said She's ready for the worst and she isn't afraid that most or all of the shareholders in the company might withdraw their assets from the company . Surprisingly some of the board members congratulated her ,while others didn't look happy neither object to it God so kind they said they don't have a problem with her faith since it's a free old under the condition that she won't try to islamize the company. She assured them that she has no intention of doing so and since they are not operating on usury or illegal products everything is good and in line with her religion.
During the drive back home, Aminah looked at Taseer , "Muntaseer why don't you stay here and take up the role of CEO here before Muhammad comes of age" Aminah said casually as if what she said is the most natural thing to say while the three of us were shocked with the exception of Muhammad .
" What? you are all looking at me as if I've grown horns " she joked
" Growing horns won't surprise us as much as what you've said just now " Hajia said looking at Taseer urging him to say something from the front passenger seat ,but it was like he has lost his voice, seconds turned into minutes before Taseer finally spoke ." Thank you so much ma'am but I don't think that's a good idea ,am not experienced and am already working for my in law hence the reason why I came here In the first place "
" I know that alright? But there's no other person I can trust to manage the company more than you ,besides I'm getting too old and now that I've find my purpose in life all I want to do is dedicate my life to worshipping Allah ,you don't have to say yes now but please consider it " she pleaded and we all fell into a tense silence .

Later that night ,Taseer kept tossing and turning ,I know exactly what he is thinking about .
" Habiby you know you can always say no to her right ? And if you agree with her Abby won't mind he will be happy for you "
" Am not worried about all that Hayatee, am worried about a totally different issue ,I know I have told you that this is my dream but I just feel like I'm not ready ,like this is not the right time ,like I don't deserve to become CEO without working for it and earning the position ,what about all those deligent workers that had been in the company right from the scratch ? What if I can't do it and I fail her ? What if all goes wrong ? What if being in power will make me forget my Rabb and intoxicated on power ? What if I become a tyrant ? but I will pray istikhara and ask for Allah's guidance in this matter and then what is meant to be will be " He said looking so sad and vulnerable like a lost child ,if it was someone else in my husband's position ,he will jump at the slightest opportunity and take up the position without a second thought but this isn't another person ,this is Muntaseer Muhammad ,the humble guy that stole my heart at first sight.


Shh don't say anything ,I don't wanna keep you Waiting and I'm not in the mood to write so manage this short chapter pls I promise you a 5000 words chapter next in shaa Allah .

Thank you as you read ,jazakumallah khair
Love ,Aysha.

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