Chapter Ten

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* What was meant for you will never escape you and what was meant to escape you will never meet you *


Instead of spending a few days as planned ,we ended up spending 10days and those ten days were among the best days of my life ,even though it was a tad bit hard to adjust to the life in a rural setting ,I adapted quickly because my parents had been there and surprisingly they didn't forget their roots,so who am I to complain?? I had been sending Simran and Jiddah pictures of the places I went and the stream had become my favorite place ,if it were left to me, I will package it and take it home with me .

I have been seeing less of Muntaseer because he is mostly with Modibbo  bonding with the old man who wouldn't allow him to leave his side .Before we left I badly wanted to ask Abby about Ammy's family but I held back but having it at the back of my mind that someday I will come to know about it.

We left early morning because Abby had an emergency at work and Muntaseer is to submit his thesis . Hajia's parents were reluctant to let her leave so we left her there so that Muntaseer will come back for her in two weeks .The ride back home was silent ,everyone is  deep in thoughts so I  plugged my headphones listening to my fave songs while Ammy was mostly dozing on and off. Abby was dropped at the office while Muntaseer drove us home .

" Alhamdulillah for journey mercies ,home sweet home " I breath out

" Yes indeed now go and change ,we need to make something considering the fact that none of us had breakfast and it's already noon " Ammy said making herself comfortable on the couch .

" Alright Ammy "

There was no need for me to take a shower so I just dropped my bags ,hugged my pillow tight because I've missed it and changed into something more comfortable, a Tee and plain skirt.

" You look tired Ammy ,just go and rest I will make the lunch " I offered to my worn out looking mother.

" No Manalie ,I know you ,you will just make cous cous and am not in the mood of eating that your favorite junk " she teased .

" Haba Ammy ,its the best because it's easier to make and tastier " I whined hiding my face with the palms of my hand knowing that she will smack me for being a cous cous lover every time its brought up.

" Is that what you will tell your husband whenever he asked you the reason why you cook cous cous 6 times in a week ?" She asked incredulously and I opened my eyes wide in shock that Ammy is actually talking to me about husband and marriage then it dawned on me that we are back home meaning that my marriage date is coming closer .

Yah Ilahi, what am I going to do ? Should I tell Abby that am not ready ?what if the man is a psycho killer? What if he is not what Abby thought him to be ??what if he  hates me and he will bully me everyday ???

" Earth to Manal " Ammy brought me out of my reverie, I didn't even know that I had zoned out .

I managed a small smile and  brought out the veggies ,Ammy decided that we should make rice with stew and I had no choice than to do it having it at the back of my mind to sneak into the kitchen later and make a plate of cous cous ,ten days without it feels like ten years if I'm to tell you how badly I've missed eating it .

After lunch Abby called me to his room and from the way he looked at me I know its something serious .Surprisingly Ammy was there too and she's smiling at me with a bit of mischief in her eyes.

" I can't believe you will soon leave this house and only come here as a visitor " Abby said looking at me with adoration .

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