TFP/TFRID: Amara and Shot Blaster's Wedding

Start from the beginning

At the ceremony:

Shot Blaster's Point of view:

"Calm down man. She'll be here any minute," said Smokescreen. "I know. I'm just really excited to see her for the first time today," I responded back to him. Then we saw Smokescreen and Arcee's children Speed Racer and Luna at the aisle. Luna, the flower girl, walked, well, actually ran down the aisle first and jumped into Smokescreen's arms. We all laughed at that including Arcee and Smokescreen. "Hey little Luna. You look beautiful in that dress," he said and he gave her a hug and a kiss. Then he put her down and walked towards Arcee and sat on her lap. Then we saw Speed Racer, the ring bearer, walking down the aisle while holding our rings that were in a black box in his left servo and ringing a small Cybertronian bell in his right servo shouting,"PLEASE STAND FOR THE BRIDE! PLEASE STAND FOR THE BRIDE! PLEASE STAND FOR THE BRIDE!" Everyone in the audience stood up. "Here she comes," whispered Bumblebee. Then I saw Amara standing in front of me and I smiled at her.

Amara's point of view:

There he was. My Shot Blaster. My handsome Shot Blaster. He looked so handsome in the white tuxedo that he was wearing and his smile just made him even more handsome. Then I started to walk down the aisle with Ratchet by my side while Smokescreen was singing "Can You Feel The Love Tonight" from "The Lion King," the Jason Derulo version. He even sounds a little Jason too.

Then Ratchet gave me a hug and kissed my forehelm. "Your father told me in a dream to give you that kiss," he whispered to me and he handed me over to Shot Blaster and we stared into each other's optics and smiled at each other. "You look beautiful," he whispered to me. "Thank you. You look very handsome," I replied back to him and he smiled and said,"Thank you." "Please be seated," said Bumblebee and everyone in the audience sat in their seats. "Welcome family and friends to this special event where we all get to witness the union between Shot Blaster and Amara Prime. Shot Blaster and Amara, months before the wedding, you both were two separate sparks but now you become one with one another. Myself and the others have had the great privilege and honor getting to know these two lovebots throughout the years and months. Shot Blaster and Amara, it is great to see you two standing here together on this very day and it is great to see you two become one. Now I'm going to ask you both these very important questions," said Bumblebee and he looked at Shot Blaster first and smiled. "Shot Blaster, do you promise to take Amara as your spark mate? Do you promise to love her, support her, honor her, fight alongside her, to take care of her and to be there for her in sickness and in health and to love and to cherish her for as long as you both shall live? If so, say-" "I do," said Shot Blaster as he cut off Bumblebee's sentence. "Ok then," he said chuckled and all of the other autobots giggled as well. Then Bumblebee looked at me and said,"Amara, do you promise to take Shot Blaster as your spark mate? Do you promise to love him, support him, honor him, fight alongside him, to take care of him and to be there for him in sickness and in health and to love and to cherish him for as long as you both shall live? If-" "I do," I said as I cut him off again. "Man, you guys are so eager to get this done and over with huh?" said Bumblebee and the both of us and all of the autobots bursted out laughing. "You both calm down," said Smokescreen jokingly. Bee cleared his throat and said,"Now Shot Blaster, look at Amara and repeat after me. I Shot Blaster." "I Shot Blaster." "Take you Amara." "Take you Amara." "To be my spark mate for life." "To be my spark mate for life." "To have and to hold from this day forward." "To have and to from this day forward." "For better and for worse." Shot Blaster started crying and whispered,"For and for worse." "For richer and for poorer." Shot Blaster took a deep breath and said,"For richer and for poorer." "In sickness and in health." "In sickbed and in health." "To love and to cherish." "To love and to cherish." "'Till death do us part." "'Till death do us part." Then Bee looked at me and said,"Amara, look at Shot Blaster and repeat after me. I Amara." "I Amara." "Take you Shot Blaster." I started to cry as well and whispered,"Take you Shot Blaster." "To be my spark mate for life." "To be my spark mate for life." "To have and to hold from this day forward." "To have and to hold from this day forward." "For better and for worse." "For better and for worse." "For richer and for poorer." "For richer and for poorer." "In sickness and in health." "In sickness and in health." "To love and to cherish." "To love and to cherish." "'Till death do us part." "'Till death do us part." Then Smokescreen and Arcee gave us the rings and Bee said,"Now both of you repeat after me. With this ring." "With this ring." "I thee wed." "I thee wed," we both said in unison and placed the rings on our left digits. "By the authority vested in me and by the planet Cybertron, it gives me great pleasure to pronounce you both spark mates for life. Shot Blaster, go ahead and kiss your bride brother," said Bee and we both locked dermas and had a romantic make out session and everyone applauded for us. "Friends and family, it gives me great pleasure to present to you all for the very first time Mr. and Mrs. Prime-Blaster," said Bee and everyone cheered for us and we all left the ceremony and made our way to the inside of the Cybertronian castle for the reception and Shot Blaster and I danced to "Beating Heart" by Ellie Goulding for our first dance and then we all partied the night away. It was a great and perfect wedding.

Chapter 2 will be in the works soon. 😊😊😊😊😊

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