chapter 2: i'm back, or am i just visiting?

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Clarke's POV

"Clarke! Baby!" My mother said as she ran into my room with her doctor's bag. It was a finer leather than the one in 2149.

"Well, fix me up so I can go back to Earth," I said.

"What? I don't-"

"She thinks we're all apart of her mind playing tricks on her. Apparently, we all live in 2149 and came down from space to inhabit the Earth," Murphy tried explaining.

"Oh, Clarke, honey..We need to get you to the hospital and get some x-rays taken. Maybe a CT scan. Bellamy, help her to her feet," my mother ordered.

Bellamy wrapped his arm around my waist and guided me to stand. I was a little off-balanced at first, but Bellamy never let go. He ushered me outside of my room and to the staircase.

"You expect me to walk down all these stairs without passing out?" I asked.

"Nope. But then again, I carry you basically everywhere we go," Bellamy said as he scooped me up effortlessly.

He began to descend the stairs when my mother said,

"Be careful!"

"I always am, Mrs. Griffin."

"It's Abby. Your name is Abby!" I exclaimed.

"Clarke, that's no way to speak to your mother," Murphy scolded.

"And you are not a nice person, Murphy! You're sarcastic and witty, and you almost killed Bellamy!" I screamed accusingly.

"Oh, Clarke, I'm genuinely hurt. I hope the doctors find that you're okay. I'd miss you terribly," he said walking right behind us, stroking my hair.

"No you wouldn't!"

"Clarke! That's enough!" My mother scolded.

"Everyone just calm down," Bellamy said when he reached the bottom step.

"Okay, you can walk to the car from here, C," he smiled as he put me down.

"Thanks, Bel-"

My entire body went numb as I collapsed onto the ground. My body began seizing and my mother rolled me on my side, holding me.

"We're right here, Clarke. Clarke, hang on! Someone call an ambulance!"

I closed my eyes. The screaming became distant and my mind was at ease. I didn't feel the pain I should have been feeling. I almost wanted to smile, but didn't because that might have made my mother freak out even more. I breathed in deeply and smelled a familiar smell. I opened my eyes.


"Clarke? Clarke?" I heard faintly.

The ground was hard and the blanket against my skin was rough. I stretched one of my arms out and felt grass brushing up against my fingertips.

"Princess, wake up!" I heard before a bucket of water was poured over my body.


I gasped and sat straight up trying to catch my breath.

"You idiot!" I heard Raven exclaim.

"Raven?" I managed to say.

"And me too," Bellamy said waving his hand in front of my face.

"You gave us a scare, Princess," he laughed.


"Yeah, I call you that sometimes," he said.

"No, I know, but-" I looked around. I was in the dropship.

"Wait..we're on Earth?" I asked.

"No, we're on mars. Welcome home," Murphy said.

"Don't listen to him. You hit your head pretty hard when you started seizing. Thankfully Raven was here. There's no way to contact Abby, our radio's dead. So we have to wait until they get back."

"Abby? You call my mother Abby?" I asked.

"Everyone does?" Bellamy replied.

"I'm back..."I whispered.

"You never left," he said stroking the hair away from my face.

"I did leave, though. I was in a place called 'New York' and I went to art school, and Murphy went by Jonathon-"

"That's a twisted story you're making up, Clarke," Murphy said.

"I'm not lying! You have to believe me! Bellamy..I went back in time to 2018, or I went forwards in time to now..what's real? Oh God, am I going crazy? I'm going crazy!" I exclaimed as I laid back on the ground.

"Yeah, you're crazy," Murphy shrugged.

Raven jabbed him in the ribs with her elbow and he took that as a cue to get me some water.

"You were out for awhile, Clarke. You were probably dreaming," Raven said.

"No, this was real. It felt real."

Bellamy reached for my hand and placed it on his heart. A steady beat.

"Do you feel this?" He asked and I nodded.

"This is real. Right here, right now, my heart: this is real."

I kept my hand over his heart as it kept to the same beat as 2018 Bellamy.

"Your heart was beating like this in New York, Bellamy.." I said.

"It's beating like this now and only for you, Princess."

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