Chapter 32 - A blood donor?!

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Greyson's POV

Sandy just fainted , I don't know why.

I carried her, bridal style and yelled for a taxi and no taxi payed any attention to me. 

Oh yeah I forgot. I'd put my 2 fingers in my mouth and whisteled as loud as I can and within seconds, a taxi just pulled up infront of me.

Wow, that technic is really useful. Anyways, back to reality.

I hopped in the car and yelled to the driver to go to the hospital and the driver stepped on the gas and rushed to the hospital.

"Sandy, you'll gonna be okay." I said over and over again. but it's no use.

We arrived at the hospital and I got out from the car, with Sandy in my hands. I ran inside and a nurse helped me. They took Sandy to a room and I just left at the waiting area.

Oh God, can things get any worse?

I called Sandy's mom.

Aunt Carly (Sandy's mom): Hello?

Me: Hello, Auntie. I'm here at the hospital right now. Sandy, um, fainted but I don't know why.

Aunt Carly: OhMyGod. Is she okay?

Me: I still don't know, Auntie. She's in a room and the doctor is checking her what causes her faint.

Aunt Carly: We'll be there in a bit.

Me: Ok, Auntie.

Then I hang up. I sat on a chair and layed my head in my hands.

"Why did she fainted? What causes this? Does she have a disease or a cancer?" I asked to myself.

'Stop thinking negative thoughts.' a voice in my head said.

'and who are you?'

'I'm your conscience.' the voice replied back

'yeah, sure. great, now I'm crazy coz' I'm talking to myself in my head.'

'You're not crazy. everybody has a conscience, okay?'

'yeah sure. fine.'

'okay, don't think negative thoughts. It's not helping. Can you please be positive.' the voice said.

'I'll try.'

Then I kept thinking that Sandy will be alright. Maybe she's just tired that she fainted. Yeah, that's it. She is just tired. She don't have any disease. Wow, I feel better. Thank you my dear conscience.

'you're welcome' a voice in my head said.

I decided to text my mom to tell what happend and then Aunt Carly, Uncle Fred, Noreen and Isabel came.

"Where's Sandy my baby?" Aunt Carly said and she's worried sick.

I just pointed to the window of Sandy's room.

"They said we can't go inside of the room unless the doctor is still checking on her." I said.

Then the doctor came out.

"Are you Sandy's parents?" the doctor asked as he turn to Aunt Carly and Uncle Fred.

"Yes. How's our daughter?" Uncle Fred said.

"Well, we just want to know. Did something happend to her before?" the doctor asked.

Hmm, wait. What does this doctor - OH GOD! I forgot! Sandy had hit her head hard last time.

"She, uh, had hit her head on the floor so hard and it bleeded." I spoke. Then everyone lit up and remembered.

"How bad is it?" the doctor asked.

"Well, she's really fine . She got discharged very quick. Why?" Aunt Carly said who is about to tear up.

"I'm sorry to say this but, she lost a lot of blood that time and her platelets are becoming weak." the doctor said.

"What do you mean, doc?" Noreen asked.

"She needs someone who will donate blood. She's lacking of blood and her platelets are becoming really weak." The doctor said and all I can think now is, WHERE THE HELL ARE WE GOING TO LOOK FOR A BLOOD DONOR?!

The doctor said we could go inside her room and he left. I looked at the time and it's already 12:30am. My birthday already ended ended into this. What a luck!

Then my mom and alexa came to the hospital.

"Oh, My God. What happend to Sandy?!" Alexa said. She's really worried, she treated Sandy like her own sister and she don't want Sandy to get hurt.

"She, uh needs a blood donor." I spoke softly and the two of them gasped.

Alexa just covered her mouth in frustration.

I just sat there, crying. I can't help it, my love of my heart needs a blood donor and I don't know what to do about it.

Something in my mind snapped! Sandy and I have the same type of blood!

Should I be the one to donate blood?

Hey, guys. I know Greyson is too young to donate blood but let's just pretend that he's able to donate. Just comment if you don't want it that way. I just made it this way coz' it's more thrilling and exciting. (: This is a fan fiction, means all the things here aren't true.

Comment if am I going to let Grey donate or not.

Love of my Heart (Greyson Chance Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt