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I really like your hair colour by the way
It really suits you

Why thank you
Oh my god!
We're fire and water!
Gah so cute!

Also why were you so nervous to text me yesterday
Like all you had to do was say hi?

Hey listen it's not my fault
I didn't know if you were gonna be cool with me suddenly being just like hi

I gave you my number for a reason...

I've known you for a day and you're already harassing me
how could you
all I know is that you're called Min Yoongi, you have blue hair and that you look like a god
At least give it two weeks

Did you just flirt?


So cute :))))

Yoongi repeatedly read his and Hoseok's most recent conversation over and over and over again. He couldn't stop grinning widely, either.

A knock came from Yoongi's door.
"Come in," He shouted, sitting up on his bed's orange duvet. Seokjin and Namjoon walked in with their hands intertwined. Yoongi gave the two a confused look; he knew his friends like skinship but he was still a little concerned. "What do you two need?" Yoongi was hesitant to ask. Seokjin parted from Namjoon to sit on the edge of Yoongi's bed whilst releasing a shaky breath.
"You can hate me for this, Yoongi. But," Seokjin smiled at Yoongi, who scrunched up his nose in confusion. "I'm not straight, that girl wasn't my soulmate." Jin looked at Yoongi for any signs of emotion but his face was now blank. "I-I asked her to be my fake soulmate so you wouldn't judge me. Listen, I know it's silly but I was still nervous!" Yoongi laughed, bringing Seokjin into a warm hug whilst Namjoon smiled warmly from a distance.
"You're older than me, why were you frightened? Also listen Seokjin, you won't believe this but," Yoongi inhaled. "I'm gay and you've known that for a while. Why would I judge?" Yoongi beamed thankfully at Jin, appreciating that he mustered all of his confidence just to come to Yoongi to confess that he lied.
"But the thing is, he's my soulmate. Please don't hate us for lying!" Seokjin pointed at Namjoon who was now shaking in fear; he knew how Yoongi could get suddenly. It was if Yoongi was bipolar and his emotions were almost random. The latter just laughed obnoxiously before hugging Seokjin again.
"Don't worry about it, I understand that you were anxious and that's fine, but you shouldn't be apologizing to me, you're older!" Yoongi smiled lovingly again before turning to Namjoon. "Now if you don't mind, I'd prefer your gay asses to leave my room," Yoongi laid down on his back, turning his phone back on.
"Talking to your boyfriend?" Seokjin chuckled, standing up and linking arms with Namjoon.
"Maybe," Yoongi retorted, shooing then out with his voice.

Turns out my friends were dating all this time
For 7 years
They never told me

Holy moly
Are you okay?

Why wouldn't I be?
I'm probably gayer than them combined

Bitch me too

Also I really liked your shirt yesterday
Can I have it

Buy your own!!
It's my favourite shirt!

Woah lucky
You wore your fave shirt whilst meeting me and some hot ass jeans
Whilst I wore a plain shirt and sweatpants

Honestly Yoongi, you need to hide your gay a little bit

That's a lot to ask from me

My food's ready!!! I'll talk after!❤️

Yoongi smiled dreamily at his phone. Even through texting, Yoongi could feel the chirpiness and positivity from Hoseok.

They've known each other for only just over twenty four hours yet they instantly clicked and it was as if they had known each other for years. Yoongi loved it.

- - - - -

a/n: the way namjin came out was lame I'm so sorry

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