Chapter 5

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A little while later, when my head was fuzzy and I was very sure I was overly intoxicated, I sat on the couch next to Harley.


“You handle your alcohol like a pro.” She said, grinning. I just smiled, taking another sip from my drink.


“Harley, did you know you have the most prettiest face I have ever seen?” I felt the words tumble out of my mouth before I could catch them.


Harley just laughed and nodded, “Quite the charmer, you are.” She said, and I laughed harder than ever.


“How much have you had?” She asked, and I just shrugged, and took another sip.


“Did you know, that I got accepted to three Ivy League schools? Three! Some people don’t even get accepted to one!” I said, laughing again.


She nodded, her smile faltering. “And did you know that I got into a fight with my dad the other day because of it? He told me that my future was being handed to me, and I wasn’t appreciating it!”


Harley laughed nervously. I just shrugged my shoulders and took a sip from my red cup.


“I think that’s enough of that.” She said, and took the drink away from me.


I pouted my lips, just as Harry walked by. “Harry! She took away my drink!” I said, and Harry rolled his eyes.


“How much has he had?” He asked, and Harley’s eyes just went wide.


“Alright. Let’s get you home.” Harry said, and I nodded, and got up, walked two feet, and passed out on the ground.




When I woke up, I was laying down in the backseat of a car.


“.........He seems like a good kid when he’s not falling everywhere.”


“Yeah. He really is.” I saw Harley’s figure turn from the passenger's seat to face me. I closed my eyes, pretending to be sleeping.


“He’s too good.” Harley said, and turned back to face front.


“Hey. Don’t say that.” Harry said, taking his eyes off the road momentarily to look at her.


She sunk lower into her seat, sighing. “What? It’s the truth.”


“Harley, don’t act like he’s too good for you.” She looked out the window, and sniffled. She was probably crying.


“Harry, anyone’s too good for me….” She said, and I didn’t hear Harry’s response, for I had fallen back asleep.


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