Part 8

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"So, you really don't remember me? Like, at all?"
"Nope. So did yew realay watch afta me for a year?"
"Of course. I'd do any- *heh hem* yeah I did."
Kristina didn't want to hit him with that so quick because basically, he didn't know her anymore
"How close were we?"
"Well, you're my only friend and I'm you're only friend."
"...just friends?"
"How do I know yewre not lying?"
"Come here. Follow me."
Kristina lead Stu up to her room. She pointed at a picture board with tons of pictures of Stuart and her. One picture of them hugging very tightly, smiling at the camera, looking generally happy.
"C'mon Stu! We're gonna be late!"
Kristina yelled outside of Stuart's house banging on his door.
"Well I'm leaving now..." Noah said behind her.
"NO! It's Stu's birthday and I've got to get a picture of us!"
Stuart walks out of the front door and Kristina basically jumps in Stuart's arms.
"Happy 18!!!"
"Well thank yew luv!"
"Look at the camera!"
*end of flashback*
Kristina started to cry. She hated this. She lunged at stu and hugged him. She was crying so much that you could hear her sobs. Stuart just stood there shocked with his hands in the air.
"Stu I just-"
"Kris, I know. I'm sorry..."
"I missed you so much... and I still do"
"I know. I'm so sorry"
"It's not you're fault, stu, it's Murdocs."
(2-Ds POV)
I really wish I remember. I wish I could solve her pain. I feel awful. It seemed like we were so close.... I'm not sure how I dealt with being to close to such a gorgeous girl though....
I must have tried to pull a move on her... like I'm about to do now 😏

(Normal POV)
Stuart put his long fingers under Kris's chin and pulled her head up to look at him.
"Look at me. I'll remember. I'm sure... and if I don't I promise yew I won't leave. I can tell how much yew loved me."
Stu inched his head closer to hers and kissed her lips softly. Kristina put her hands behind his neck and he put his hands around her waist. They stood there, kissing passionately for about 30 minutes before Kris pulled away.
"I... I don't want you to think what this is. We're best friends...."
"I know, but I'm not sure how I could have JUST BEEN friends with such a beautiful girl like yew..."
"Well we did make out and stuff, but we were just friends."
"Can yew tell me what all we did and everything about us?"
"Hmm... let me think... can I re-introduce myself?"
"Sure!" Stu flashed his new toothy smile, because with the car crashes he not only lost his eyes, but also his teeth.
"Well my name is Kristina Thomas. That boy you here on the phone down there, well he's my brother. Noah Thomas. We live by ourselves and we're from America..."
Kristina went on and on until it's was Stuart's turn.
"Well my names-
"Stuart Tusspot. Haha, just kidding. Stuart Pot. Remember, I know you blue boy."
"Oh yeah.... sorry" he chuckled.
Stuart continued to ask questions about their relationship and how they used to be. They talked for hours and hours until they both fell asleep in her room.
"KRISTINA! YOU FINALLY GOT RID OF THE V CARD!"Noah screamed with excitement.
"No, Noah I didn't. And get out of my business little pip squeak. Get out."
"Damn okay, sorry." Noah put up his hands and walked backwards out of her room defensively.
"Well, Kris I'll gladly get rid of that for you." Stu said smirking. Kristina blushed a litttle then Stuart started busting out loud laughing. Kris joined in too.

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