Part 3

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To her surprise, Stu was right beside her, opening his locker. She glanced over and looked back at his locker then looked at her wide eyed.
"Oh hey! I know yew!"
"Not really but sure."
He raised an eyebrow and kept trying to open his locker. It didn't work so he stuck his tongue out and tried some more.
Finally, the boy got it open. When he opened it all of his books came flying out. He muttered a few cuss words under his breath.
"Jesus, it's the first day." Kristina said while crouching down trying to help him.
"Ey know, but I've always been clumsy and unorganised. Dats jus me."
Kristina helped him get all of his books back in his locker and the bell sounded.
"I'm sorrey I didn't mean to make yew late! Ugh I'm so sorrey!!!" He acted like he just killed her mother.
"It's fine, chill. It's only the first day, they'd understand. What class do you have next?"
"Well I 'ave maff."
"Oh same! We can walk in together!"
And just like that, they were best friends. Kristina has never had a friend like this before, and if her parents knew it was a boy... well it wouldn't be for long.
Kristina did think he was attractive, I mean who wouldn't. Sure he had his flaws but he is still pretty damn hot. But she thought he didn't feel the same way with her, but... he did. Again, who wouldn't?
Everyone started noticing now close they were getting, they had every single class together (it was a small school) and they even sat beside each other at lunch. Even after most days at school, they'd hang out.
This particular day, they decided to go to Stus house. When Kristina walked in she noticed that the place was a wreck.
"Oh I'm sorray, it's a mess here, me parents have been out of town. They'll be out for a while."
"Oh that explains it. You've got quite a mess here, luv" she tried to mock his British accent. He just chuckled.
"I dont talk like dat! I talk like this." He tried his best to do an American accent, but ended up sound like a Kardashian.
They went upstairs to his room (which was even more of a mess, clothes laying everywhere, dirty plates, food everywhere). Stuart noticed that his, uhhh, his *tissues and lotion* were laying on the bed. Kristina was distracted looking at all the zombie movies so Stu QUICKLY hid it in his drawer. Kristina heard the racket so she turned around to Stu with a nervous smile on his face.
"Uhhh okay. Well I was wondering if we could watch... evil dead i think it is?"
"Yeah yeah, whatever yew want!" He suddenly looked a whole lot less tense.
They sat on the bed together until the ending credits rolled. Kristina laid on her back looking at the ceiling. Stuart followed.
"Hey stu?"
"Can I tell you something?"
"Of course. What is it luv?"
"You have to promise to never tell anyone. I've never told anyone this."
"I promise. I mean, who would I tell? Yewre probably my only friend, other than my mates at school. And I neva really hang out wif dem anymore."
"Okay. So the reason why I moved here is because my parents.... they died in a car accident."
It fell silent in the room, other than the sound of the song being played on the credits.
"I'm.... so sorray. I wish I knew what to say..."
"No it's okay, I expected you not to."
Stu stood up over Kristina and looked her in the eyes. He leaned over her and hugged her. To make it less awkward she sat up. They sat here hugging for what seemed forever.
Hen, abruptly Kris started laughing from the awkwardness. This obviously didn't help. They stood there laughing for felt like an hour, but really was only about 3 minutes. Then they stopped and looked in each others eyes again.
       Suddenly, Stu kissed Kristina. They delicately kissed for a while before it turned into a make out session. By the time they got finished, they were out of breath and laid back down on the bed looking at the ceiling.
"Kris, what do you suppose we ar'?"
"Well were friends! Maybe sometimes we're just closer than most friends. I'm open and up to anything so." She smirked but stu didn't know this because he wasn't looking at her, but he knew what she meant.
"Maybe we should do this again sometime, but I think I should be getting home to Noah. Bye Stu, love ya!"
"Do yew want me to walk you home luv?"
"If you want."
They walked home and talked at 12 am in the morning. They just awkwardly stood by each other with their hands in their pockets looking at the ground. Finally they walked up to her house.
"Well here we ar'!"
"Bye stu, again, love ya."
They hugged and she stared walking towards the door, then turned around to see that Stu was looking at her ass.
"Oh.. uh love yew to!" She walked inside and he walked off."

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