I knew it. 

Sara: Alex & I hv a scene in the mv

Me: aw he must rlly love u

Sara: he claims it was the director's fault

Me: that's what they all say

Sara: meee

Me: but just show me the vid already! I need SALEXX



Sara: Alex rlly went out w/ the scenes

Me: Ikrr & the car scene

Sara: I bet sab was the 1st viewer ;))

Me: tru & I'm the 2nd viewer ;))

I wonder how Sab's doing..

--Text convo with Sab--

Me: hey stranger, long time no talk

Sab: hey to u too maya

Me: how r things w/ Peyton?

Sab: we're still in the friendzone

Me: aww I'm praying for it #Peybrina

Sab: thx but eh

Me: I thought u liked him..?

Sab: I do but ik he doesn't like me

Me: u never know #Fate

Sab: I wont make any promises

Fate will do something. Don't worry, Sabs.

*Sabrina's POV*

Maybe Fate will do something. But I gotta admit Meg's actually been me tips..

"You're welcome, Carpenter," Meg chimes in.

"Thanks, DeAngelis," I tell her.

"Well anything..he ask you out yet..?" Meg asks.

"No," I frown. "..and I don't think he will, so."

"Don't give up," Meg taps me on the shoulder.



Peyton. Perfect timing.

Peyton: can we talk?

"Ooh maybe about your relationship..." Meg coos.

"Hope is for suckers, Meg," I scoff.

"Maya Hart is not you, ok. You're Sabrina Carpenter, you've shown young girls all over that dreams come true. Change your statement...Hope is for believers," Meg explains.

"Not bad, Desi," I shrug.

"Now..get your prince!" Meg pushes me to the exit.

--At Starbucks--

Peyton and I have been sitting in a booth with an awkward 5 minute silence..great start to another hangout..

"So," Peyton clears his throat. 

"Ya," I give my attention towards him.

" I've been holding this back for a long time, but not for long," Peyton says, grabbing my hands.

"Peyton.." He cuts me off.

"I like you," Peyton finishes.

"Peyton...I like you too," I declare, surprised about the whole confession.

"Then can we give it a shot. Sabrina Carpenter, will you go out with me?" Peyton asks.

"Yes, Peyton! Yes!" I say, getting up. He embraces me into a hug.

Meg will be happy to hear this...

*Meg's POV*

You can call me a stalker, but I'm happy that Peyton stepped up and asked Sab out. And Salex's new music video is on fire! Jeez, Alex and his excuses. "It was the director's idea." Haha, nope. I have to talk to Sara about this!

Me: #PeybrinaOfficial



Sara: ;p

Me: btw I saw the new salex mv ;)

Sara: was it that cringey?

Me: aww it made me ship it even more

Sara: I will kill alex 

Me: no u wont, u love him too much

Sara: ya, but I hv other stuff in my life besides him, like college, etc.

Me: ohh ya, ur a senior 

Sara: yup so lots of pressure this yr

Me: good luck

Sara: I'll need it

Me: but why don't u just be a yter?

Sara: my parents will never let me

Me: aww well ur day will come;)

Sara: hopefully

Aw poor, Sara...

*Sara's POV*

Wow, that's the first time I went that deep into thinking about my future. I'm gonna be going to college soon...leaving all this singing behind. Leaving Alex, my friends, my parents.

"What's wrong, Sara?" Maya asks, eating her apple.

Oh right, we're at lunch. 

"It's nothing," I shrug.

"C'mon, tell me. I'm your best friend, and we always tell each other things," she tries to convince me.

I sigh. "We're seniors now. Our lives are changing. We're gonna be heading towards college, away from our loved ones..and Alex could barely perform at Maryland without me," I try to explain without crying.

"'re scared of what might happen with Salex," Maya figures, embracing me into a hug.

I nod, hugging her back.

"Well we'll figure it out. We have fate on our side," Maya adds.

Hopefully, it'll cooperate this time.

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