--after the meet & greet--


Martin. Finally replied to my text after a million years.

Me: hey martini

Alex: hey honeybear

Me: quit w/ all these sweet names plz martini

Alex: fine honeycomb

Me: whatever

Alex: sorry I just came back from my m&g

Me: yup I got a special 1

Alex: *flashbacks <3

Me: good luck <3

Alex: only if u were here :(

Me: maybe I'm closer than you think

I hear the door creaking open. Alex.

I quickly hide get behind the door, when Alex opens the door fully with a loud sigh.

Aw, Martin.

He looks like he's texting..me.


Aw dang, I forgot to mute it. 

Alex turns around in fright. "Is anyone there? I'm giving you 5 seconds to come out before I call security," Alex advises.

I guess there's only one way...Thanks for ruining the surprise.

He turns around, scratching his neck. "I don't have--" 

I run up and jump on his back and cover his eyes. "Guess who?"

Joshaya vibes.

"SARABEAR?!" He screams.

"Took you long enough, Martin," I take my hands off his eyes and I jump off his back.

"Well I'm sorry, Saribear," he apologizes, turning to face me.

We stare into each other's eyes. 

"So looks like you had a nice time with your fans," I start a conversation.

"I love my Aiono Army," Alex says. "Just like I love you."

"Cheesy, Aiono," I giggle.

"I know," he agrees with a chuckle.

We kiss. 

"I've been waiting to that since I saw you," he says, as we break apart. 

"Then do you wanna do it again?" I suggest.

We kiss.

We break apart. (Anyone get that Royal Crush reference? ;)

"Royal Crush all over again," I laugh.

"Except this isn't exactly a cruise," Alex points out the difference. 

"It's a tour, almost like a cruise," I add.

"Yup. An even better tour with you," Alex says, looking into my eyes.

"Yup," I nod.

"Ready for another show with yours truly?" Alex modestly asks me.

"Not until you get over yourself," I playfully hit him.

"Did you practice?" He asks.

"All throughout the car ride," I tell him.

"Aw, you really like performing with me?" Alex awes.

I just look up at him with heart eyes.

"So that's what the "I'm closer than you think" texts were for?" Alex realizes.

I lightly nod with a smile.

"Well we go on in...15 minutes," Alex reminds me.

"YAYYY," I burst.

"How long how did u hold that in, Sari?" He asks.

I sigh,"For too long."

Sabrina comes in with an immediate gasp. "SALEX!"

"Dang, Sabrina," Alex sighs. 

"Well I'm sorry for supporting you and your girlfriend's relationship," Sabrina dramatically apogizes.

"Ok, but what're you REALLY here for?" Alex asks.

"I need to talk to you..privately," Sabrina tells him. "Sara..?"

"Ya, I'll leave," I say, walking out.

I guess it's just brother and sister talk. I hope.

*Sabrina's POV*

So the moment of truth is gone..I just made it official, I support Salex. But I do, I do support Salex. It's just..I like Alex. That's the only problem.

"So sis, what's up?" Alex asks.

Sis. Wow, he really put me in the "sister zone."

 "..actually nevermind," I say, turning away.

  He"C'mon, Sabs. Tell me, I know something's up. You and Sarah were talking that night, I heard."

Wait..WHAT?! He heard us?!

"I know you want to tell me something. So can you please just tell me?" He pleads.


"Well..?" He asks.

"..I like you. I always did, and now that you and Sara are together, I guess all we'll be in tour mates and brother and sister," I confess.

"Wait but why with the over shipping salex?" He asks.

"I mean,  I had to support you. You guys are happy," I tell him the truth.

"Thanks, Sabs. You're the best," Alex embraces me in a hug. I hug him back.

"Alex, we're up!" Sara barges in.

"Well, Sab, I gotta go," he says, pointing to the door.

"Good luck," I tell him.

"Thanks," he says, rushing out the door.

Well that went well.

*Alex's POV*

Well, this got awkward pretty easily. Sabrina ends up liking me...I always knew there was something off about the way she acts around me..well I'm we're still close friends.

"You ok, Martin? You look stressed," Sara points out.

I scratch my neck and yawn.

"And tired," Sara adds with a laugh.

"Just the many perks of being a pop star," I joke.

"Do you want me to do your opening for you..?" Sara jokes.

"Sure. But there's one problem, Sarbear," I tell her.

She gives me a stare.

"What're you gonna tell the audience, Alex went to bed early?" I point out.

"..I'll figure it out," Sara bursts into laughs.

"Let's just do it..together," I grab her hand and go on stage.

"Hey, Maryland, you ready for a party?!" I shout into the mic.

This is gonna be good.

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