Chapter 14 - Confession

Start from the beginning

Liz: ......

Liz: ......!!

Liz: EHHHHH?!??

Liz shockingly screamed as she recalled about that time.

Liz: T-T-That was your confession??!?

Klaus: ...So you accepted it without understanding it.

Liz: I-I thought you were asking about the personal maid things!

Klaus let out a displeased sigh.

Klaus: ...How dense can you be..?

Liz: B-Because...c-confessions should be said in a more romantic way! And more clearly! It's easy to cause misunderstanding when you said that!

Klaus: Is that so?

Liz: Yes of course!!

Liz puffed her cheeks out and sulkily pouted as she muttered.

Liz: ...I can't believe you..

Klaus: *sigh* Come here.

Klaus rolled Liz over and lifted up her chin and gazed deeply in her eyes.

Klaus: I love you.

Liz: !!!

Shocked, embarrassed and happy, tears started to well up in Liz's eyes.

Klaus: Liz? What's wrong? Does your leg hurt again?

Klaus asked worriedly as Liz shook her head. She used her hands to wipe up the tears.

Liz: No... It's just that...I'm really happy right now... *sob*

Having calmed herself, Liz looked at Klaus is his eyes and happily smiled.

Liz: ..I love you too...Klaus. I love you so much..!

Klaus: Liz...

Liz: Klaus...

Their lips gradually came closer as if they were magnetic. Liz closed her eyes, waited for the kiss, but nothing happened.

Liz: ........Huh..?

Liz timidly opened her eyes, only to find Klaus' mischievous smile.

Klaus: Kiss me.

Liz: H-Huh?

Klaus: That's your punishment for not realizing my confession sooner. *smirk*

Liz: T-That's not fair!

Klaus: Hurry up. Or you'd rather being punished by another way?...

Klaus ran his fingers along her back made Liz shiver.

Liz: N-No! F-Fine! I'll do it...

Gave up, Liz shyly leaned closer and gave Klaus a soft kiss as her heart beat fast.

Klaus: ..What about my good-morning kiss?

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