m. Serum

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Me & You (c) 2014+

M. Serum

"So Corx?" Jared mumbled, almost lifelessly, as he stared at the booklet named after him.

"It'll give you a second chance. Only if you let it." The man in black and white with shades concieling his soul briefly explained, "You just need to sign the contract." John, as the name tag on the front pocket suggested, handed him a pen.

It was his one ticket free from his demons. He didn't have to be a monster anymore.


Once Jared signed all the blank spaces, he looked up expectantly. It was like waiting for magic to happen. His hope and happiness was put into this blindly. If only he knew what he was getting himself into.

Just as he was about to ask, and let his curious mind wander, he felt a sharp sting in his neck. Suddenly, he felt drowsy. Inside, he was panicking. Jared never let his guard down, and now that he did, he felt betrayed.

Words blurred with other sounds: the voices in his head.

 "You didn't kill your parents. It was the gang you were a part of. They betrayed you. They killed your parents and you were forced to watch." Jared felt himself repeating the words he heard from the anonymous source.

"Jared Hale Scott, you're going to forget what actually happened..." The voice was smug but the boy with blue eyes didn't hear it. Or maybe he did. It was just blocked out by the lies morphing themselves into the truth.

But lies will always be lies. Even when hidden behind a false facade.

[ a.n: twist! ]

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