10. Business

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Me & You (c) 2014+

10. Business

Jared wanted to knock his head against a brick just so he could remember again. They tried just about everything - hacking the system, questioning the system (through the question bot) and of course retracing their step - and received the same answer: information classified.

They both wondered why such things like the question bot, and the library, were there in the first place. Especially if they didn't answer their questions (which was their sole purpose). It was an aggravating moment, that they went through, to say the least.

"We have one thing we didn't try..."


"Gerard Hills," Ali started, "he's this middle-age computer lover. Well, I'd say lover because he always rambled about computers around me. But whenever I told him he could use mine - well, it's not much of a computer more bordering towards the laptop/tablet - his face would turn a ghastly white." She closed her eyes in thought, "I think... computers are the reason he's here. Hacker, maybe?"

Jared smiled, finally getting somewhere.

"Ali, you're a genius!" And then he left a peck on her cheek. Even if it was small, it left Ali smiling too.

They were getting somewhere.

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