11. Hill; The Hacker

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Me & You (c) 2014+

10. Hill; The Hacker

"How'd you know?" he whispered, cowering into the shadows.

Gerard Hill was a small man for his large age of 38. Dark eye bags and red rimmed eyes were the first things you'd notice about him. Then it would be his crazy, silver hair and black, rounded glasses that just about covered his entire face. Hill was invisible next to the vibrant people of Corx. He didn't fit in. So there were only two places for a person like Hill: Rhonda's - who, honestly, has her arms open to everyone - and his own home.

That was exactly where Jared and Ali were; Jared leaning over the man in an intimidating manner and Ali sitting on the edge of her chair, watching.

His house was a small beach house with a beautiful view of the sea. Ali and Jared could barely make their way through the doorway but they managed.

The smell of ocean and sand drifted aimlessly through the open glass doors. Jared leant down, whispering unheard words to Hill. They must have been strong otherwise Hill wouldn't have changed his mind - if the small nod of his small head was any indication. Jared handed him his phone, before saying the words that had him shaking in his boots, "You've got fifteen minutes."

The overlapping waves and it's swishes were silenced to the backdrop as the sound of keys clicking, rapidly, emitted through the room. Minutes later, Gerard leant back in his chair. He cracked a few of his knuckles before sliding the phone towards Jared.

And then they ran out of there.

Well, Jared ran and took a hold of Ali's wrist on the way out, dragging her along.

"I wouldn't have thought Mr. Hill was a hacker," Ali shrugged, shaking her head as well. "He just... doesn't look the part..."

"You'd be surprised about Corx and it's people," Jared stared at her, his eyes turning dark. Ali learnt to get used to this strange side of Jared; it made her heart race for different reasons that she knew better than to expose. "Looks can be decieving."

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