Meet Me At 8:30pm

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Brad’s POV

 Today had been such a long day, meetings and final recordings from 9am until 6pm and everyone was exhausted. I got back to my hotel room in central London and began to run the shower, just as I slipped my shirt off I heard my phone buzz on my bed so I walked over and glanced at the text it was from Tristan, it said :

Meet me at 8:30 tonight outside my room, I have something to show you xxx.

I Replied fast so I could hop into my shower as now I obviously needed to discover something decent to wear for tonight.... ruins my plans of a night in with a box set of Friends in my new Monsters Inc onesie...

 After my shower, I scanned my closet looking for the right outfit, nothing seemed to fit the part, fuck sake why do I own nothing nice!? Eventually, I had decided to wear a pair of light blue skinny jeans and a button up black shirt with dark blue flowers on it, leaving the top four buttons undone, a little treat for Trist. I checked my phone because I feel like I’m already late, until I realise its only 7:30pm, is time going slow on purpose?

 Time seemed to be passing slower than I swear is actually possible but, finally, at 8:30 on the dot, I heard the almost too familiar triple tap of Tristan’s knuckles on my door.

I opened the door and there he stood, looking flawless in black skinny jeans and a grey t-shirt with a dark blue hoodie thrown over the top.

“Someone dressed up” Trist said with a grin swept across his face,

“In my defence you never specified a dress code Evans, but um I can change just give me five...” I began before Tristan’s lips landed on mine cutting me off. 

“You look perfect” He said as he pulled back from the kiss and held out his hand towards me, “Come on then” He said and then he pulled me down the unfamiliar corridors of the hotel until we found a fire escape that lead to the roof.

“Why are we going on the roof? Can we even do that? Like legally” I asked, followed by Tristan’s laughter and a massive smile painted upon his face.

“Calm down, everything is fine” He said, “Just follow me” But I hesitated, he stepped back down off the first step and linked his hands into my own before looking me directly in the eyes.

“I won’t let anything happen to you” Trist said as he kissed my on the forehead and gently lead me up the stairs to the roof of the hotel.....

At the top of the stairs, on the roof was a large black and red checked picnic blanket, surrounded by candles and a selection of food laid out across the blanket.

“Happy 2 Month Anniversary” Trist said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder....

I've Got A Wild Heart {Tradley}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें