"Well, brother. This book says we have to throw boiling water over it...then sprinkle salt over the melt...and then it should be completely dead, wiped off the face of earth,"

"Um ok but...How did you know that book existed? All these books are boring and about historical events and auto biographies about people like Churchill," Fabien thought, remembering the torturous times he had to help his mum put as much books possible in alphabetical order on the book cases.

"Correct," Damien hummed, "some of these books are sacred to the witches, there's spell books, historical supernatural events and did you know that Churchill was infact a vampire? He rose to prime minister and joined forces with the witches AKA law and order during world war 2!"

"Wait, so everything, everything like World War One and two, French Revolution, battle of Hastings, the civil wars, the first Olympics, 9/11...was infact a cause of the supernatural race or like, a clash between paranormal and normal?" Fabien was intrigued, nearly unaware of the demon who was slowing down the pace of his banging.


"Wait...why hadn't you just done that so we didn't have to get that Adela ghost girl thing to? She got that spellbound book from there,"

"Because, I didn't know what to look for but with this...it was pretty easy finding a 'supernatural defences and attacks book'," Damien said.

"Mm, ok," Fabien said, suddenly feeling uninterested now.

"Now go boil the water and get some salt, that demon isn't going no where...shame," Damien looked up in thought, "I was quite fond of demons but it seems they don't want to leave the monarchy as much as the witches don't,"

"Obviously," Fabien replied whilst walking quickly out to the kitchen, he spotted the door was still rattling at the fist of the demon, he was relived at the fact it was a strong door.

He walked into the main kitchen and started to boil the water and found some salt stashed right at the back of the cupboard.

Damien put the book down and remembered the two girls who were more or less likely to be hiding in a wardrobe. So he skimmed though the hallway, nearly so agitated of the constant banging that he could literary open the door and let it in just to make it stop. But decided, that was definitely not a good idea.

"Humans!" He shouted whilst walking to the top of the long spiralling stairs. He heard a few little screams and chatter from his room, why his room ugh...

"Ok, um, don't uh worry," Damien said awkwardly, of course they should be worried as there was a demon trying to get in and kill someone but then again, some boiling water and salt is all they need to kill him.

"What do you mean don't worry?! We're all going to die!" Taylor screamed and sobbed, leaning against Kate's chest as they recovered themselves from his wardrobe to his bed.

"Yeah, I thought I could stop him sorry." Kate said in a monotone, suspicious voice. Obviously giving the direction that something's wrong with her.

"Look, Fabiens going to kill this demon and everything will be fine just please don't tell anyone about this," Damien looked up and stared hard, so so hard into Taylor's eyes.


Oh god he is very handsome. So beautiful with his dark dark brown eyes and black, sleek hair oh god look at his sharp jaw line and oh those high cheek bones...

Taylor stared him back in the eyes, they made her nauseous but, weirdly, ignorant to the situation. Nearly unaware, because she was getting lost. He made her lose herself in him, she could feel her mind wondering and moving from the dilemma she faced, his thoughts spiralled into her head and then that was it. She blacked out.


Wow, Damien thought to himself, I haven't been able to do that for years! Because sure he woke Madi up from a life-threatening coma but that was different, it was merely impossible to put someone into a life-threatening coma. But there was still one problem. He could feel it, this 'Kate' wasn't the person she said she was. Why wasn't she questioning everything like she normally does...

"Who are you?" He said quickly, out of control so he wouldn't stop himself from saying it because of second thoughts.

"What? I'm, I'm Kate!" She said whilst fixing her nut hazel hair. So innocently.

"Yeah ok whatever. Just tell me. Please."

"I'm Kate!"

"No you're not!"

"Yes I am!"

"No you're not!"



...oh my god...

"Damien!" Fabien shouted and he spat a dirty look at Kate, led Taylor on his bed in a more comfortable position and ran, very very fast, downstairs. Shocking Fabien at his quick appearance.


Crap, he knows. Adela thought whilst jumping down from the large window onto the roof of the spare kitchen and voila! She's off into the trees.


"Open the door," Fabien said towards his brother, holding a metal container of boiling water.

Then everything happened so quick...he opened the door but there was no one there, the darkness seeped in and so did the fear, he shouted,

"COME ONE! TOO SCARED NOW ARE WE?" And then a shadow, somehow darker than the black surrounding it was in, came forward fast, terrifyingly fast, it sent a evil aura towards him- black with a dirty brown. Evil and disgusting. The demon flushed his aroma in all directions as it hit him with a malicious message,

Goodnight, boy.

And he threw it. The stupid creature must of been oblivious to the killing water and only focusing on the two brothers... Or just him.

"No, NO WHAT- WHAT HAVE You d-o-ne..-"

He fell to the ground just outside the door and melted. Literary, the only thing left of him was a liquorice like fluid that spread out across the concrete floor, blocking the exit.

"Ok, now the salt before he grows back," Damien commanded. And so Fabien picked up the salt and sprinkled it over the moving, very weird, liquid. Then it just simply evaporated and disappeared.

"Just like the book said." A very chuffed Fabien said.


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Sorry this had a bad/weird ending but I thought it would be best to keep this chapter as short as possible because the rest have been fairly long! Anyway, thanks for reading and remember to follow, add to library and readings lists to get updated weekly! :) x

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