Though Jared objects, saying he doesn't need it, I convince him of the wisdom in accepting a narcotic painkiller, delivered via the IV needle now seated in the back of his hand. Within minutes he's drowsily blinking and his words are slurring. As one of the EMT's examines his injured leg, flexing his foot and ankle, he barely flinches now. Several minutes ago the same manipulation elicited a howl.

"Sleep, Jared," I encourage him, smoothing his hair from his brow. "We'll be at the hospital before you know it."

"'Mmkay...but...don't...leave..." he mumbles. "Lanie...don't go..."

I'm not going to point out the fact that we're hundreds of feet in the air and in the tight, confined space of a medi-vac helicopter where I can barely turn around, making any notion of leaving quite impossible even if I wanted to. Which I don't. But Jared's drifting off to parts unknown and is probably barely even aware of where he is and what he's saying. "I'm staying right here," I assure him. I continue smoothing his hair from his brow as his eyes flutter closed, and stay closed.


As a result of my full report on Jared's injuries and the treatments I employed during the time he was in my care, by the time we touch down on the heli-pad atop Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, the hospital is ready to receive him.

I depart the chopper right behind Shannon, who's trailing Jared's stretcher as they whisk him toward the elevator. He's awake, but barely. Shelby clings to my hand, staring around in amazement at the endless huge buildings of the city, the palm trees dotting the ground below, and the ocean in the distance. "Wow," she breathes. "It's so big. Like it's the whole world."

"L.A. is a very big city," I agree as I hurry her to the elevator. "Very loud, very crowded."

"Where's Jared's house?" she asks, looking around at the expanse of buildings surrounding the hospital. "Is it close by?"

"I have no idea," I tell her. Shannon holds the elevator door for us as we slip inside. It's a long, deep elevator, designed to accommodate patients on a stretcher. The steel door slides closed with a thump.

"They're prepped and ready," one of the EMTs tells us as he pushes the down button and the elevator begins its descent. "He'll go into the ER for a full assessment first, then to Radiology."

"Okay," Shannon nods. He indicates his phone. "Our mother texted a few minutes ago. She's waiting outside of the ER and Dr. Lange is with her." He glances at me. "That's the doctor he was seeing for his back and his ACL. He really is one of the best in the field."

"Good," I reply. Jared's going to need the best, especially if his ACL is re-injured on top of the fractures. Please let him regain full use of his leg, I pray. I cannot imagine what it'll do to Jared if he doesn't.

The elevator comes to a smooth stop and the doors open. We step out, the EMTs pushing Jared's stretcher. As we head toward the huge double doors with the illuminated red and white EMERGENCY sign above them, I glance around. Cedars-Sinai is a world-famous hospital, and I can see, cosmetically at least, that it lives up to its reputation. Everything is spotless, brightly lit, tastefully decorated in soothing hues of pale blue and peach, and the fixtures are ultra-modern. The waxed floor is so polished I can see our reflections in it.

A woman with long graying hair appears in the doorway as we approach, and even though I've never set eyes on her before, I know who she is immediately. There's no mistaking the shape and set of her worried, red-rimmed eyes, her fine facial features, the glow of vibrant youth and energy even though, with having two sons both well into their forties, she must be in her sixties. She sure doesn't look it.

Untouchable ~ A Jared Leto/MARS FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now