Chapter 3: Mariya and Yusuke

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Finally, I can get some alone time. With all the upcoming PVs, magazine shoots, and dramas, I’ve barely had any time for myself. That included surfing the Internet and watching television.

Ring ring!

Ring ring!

Moshi moshi?” I answered cradling my phone in my ear, “Yamada here.”

“Just so you know, I’m hating this as much as you are.” The person said on the other end of the line.

I knew that voice too well.

“What do you want, Mariya?” I spat, “I thought you were never going to talk to me again.”

Mariya sighed on the other end, “I know,” a pause, “but I need your help.”

I was stumped. “You need my help? After all that you’ve done to ruin my life, you're asking me for help??”

“I wasn't asking you,” was Mariya’s reply, “I’m forcing you, well, more like blackmailing you again.”

My heart started to beat faster and faster. What did she have under her sleeves now? I was scared to even find out. “Aren’t you even a tad guilty for blackmailing me more than once? Seriously.”

Mariya laughed, an evil laugh. “Not at all,” she replied, “Honestly, I enjoy using you as my pawn. You should have guessed by now that my last little scene at your home was all just a dramatic act. Whatever I said there was a pot of lies; well there were some truths as well. Maybe a spoonful.”

“What do you want me to do?” I asked angrily. As much as I hated being pushed around by her, I was scared for my future in JUMP if I didn’t do as she said.

“I want you too…”


“I can’t believe you’re actually pushing through with this, Yamada,” Yuto said on the other end, “What if you get seen? What if there are artists from JE there who see you?”

“I know Yuto,” I replied sadly, “I’m as scared as you are, but if I don’t do what Mariya says, she’ll tell the press that she was in my house, that I got her drunk, and that I forced her to do things she didn't want to do.”

“Seriously, Yama,” Yuto was choosing his words carefully, “who would believe that?”

I sat on the edge of my bed, securing the slacks I was wearing for the ill-fated date I was to attend, “As much as it sounds so stupid, I cannot take any chances. You know the press, always hungry with the latest gossip they can get their hands on, and if they were to search my room, well, Mariya’s fingerprints are bound to be found. Crazy woman!!”

“I feel you, bro,” Yuto said trying to console me, “Update me about your date? Where are you guys headed to anyways?”

“Don’t call it a date,” I cringed on the thought of a date with Mariya, a real one that is, “Call it a night with disaster. We’re having dinner at Ginza. Ever heard of Sukiyabashi Jiro?”

For one thing, I was excited to eat at the legendary restaurant at Ginza, Tokyo where famous actors and presidents have dined.

“You bet!” Yuto said on the other end, “I heard even President Obama has eaten there. Well, got to go. Kiotsukete, Yama.”

Anata mo,” I replied, “Bye, Yuto!”

Mariya and I reached our destination exactly at 7 pm.

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