Chapter 1: The New Chihiro (Part 1)

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Heavy rain poured from outside, the water droplets splattering on the window pane. Dazed, I watched the busy streets of Los Angeles City from the hotel room my Uncle and I were currently staying at. Ever since my ex father, I apologize for the term, has been bombarding us with petty scandals and fights, my Uncle and I have been moving from hotel to hotel here in California. Uncle believed it was not safe to stay in his permanent house for fear our location would be forever found out, that's why we've been living our lives day to day. Honestly, it's really exciting and fun; every day is a new adventure.

I seriously wanted to strangle the man, Ibuka, for all the trouble he has caused me and my late mother. A year has already passed since my mom died, and still Ibuka Shun won't give up on his hunt. I was his prey. It seemed like no matter what the circumstances were, he always found a way to sneak in and ruin my life. Maybe he too was mentally ill just like my biological father, my Uncle's twin brother, was.

The door opened and my Uncle, Takizawa Hideaki-san, waltzed in wearing a black coat and tie. Hideaki was only in his mid-thirties, still very young. His twin brother, Hiroki, my real dad commuted suicide last year. Yup, I lost both of my parents, my real ones, in a span of a year. I still remember them every minute of my life. My scar in my neck is still the same as ever.

"Have you eaten, Chihiro-chan?" Uncle asked me sweetly folding his coat as he got in.

I turned to face him and smiled. "Not yet. I wanted to eat with you, so I waited till you came home."

He walked up to me and surrounded me in his strong arms. His honey almond smell that I grew to love immersed me. "Well then," he said pulling me up from the couch, "what are we waiting for? Let's eat."

In just one year, I was already fluent in English. Back in Japan, my scores in my English class were already excellent, but nothing beats a first-hand experience where everybody around you speaks nothing but English all day long.

"Get dressed. I want to try this new restaurant downtown." Uncle told me placing his coat back on, "I'll be waiting for you in the car."

It only took me less than five minutes to get ready. I hesitated to put on my silver bracelet that I got from a dear friend last year back in Japan. I fiddled with the strap, and decided with a grunt to wear it. I closed the door behind me and pushed the elevator button.

While I waited inside the elevator, I studied my reflection on the mirror in front of me. My skin was tanner from all my beach outings with my Uncle, and my hair was a lot shorter now. The silver bracelet stared at me, as if it even had eyes right. I sighed. Ever since my birthday, I haven't talked or contacted Yamada. Just thinking of his name made my heart lurch.

The elevator gave a ding sound and opened. I walked out and looked around for my Uncle's red convertible. After I spotted him in the corner fixing his hair, I took my time to walk to the other side of the parking lot.

May 21. May 21. That was the day when Yamada's and my friendship broke off. We had a really big fight. We rarely fought, and when we did it would get fixed in less than a day, but on our birthday, it didn't. I don't know if you already know this, but Yamada is the Yamada Ryosuke from Hey! Say! JUMP. Yup, he's part of that nine idol group in Japan that has millions of fans worldwide. A couple of the members are my close friends, or used to be, Yamada was one, and Yuto, the group's drummer, was the other. Unlike with Yamada, Yuto and I still keep in touch. His girlfriend was also my close friend, so it was easy to keep in touch with him.

I got in the car and buckled my seat belt in the passenger's seat. My Uncle smiled at me and started the engine. His phone was vibrating in the compartment drawer. "Uncle, phone?"

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