Chapter 1: The New Chihiro (Part 2)

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Mid October

"Five more minutes boys before the show starts!"

"Hey Yama, what do you think of this pick up line?" Hikaru asked me flipping through his magazine entitled Latest Pick-Up Lines.

I stopped scrolling. "Hmmm. I'm sure the fans would love it." I said with a smile.

Hikaru just stared blankly at me. "What are you so engrossed with anyway?" He looked over my shoulder then sighed, "Seriously, Yama, it's been five months already. You're still not over Chihiro-chan are you?"

Embarrassed, I quickly closed my laptop screen. The photos of Chihiro disappearing with it. Hikaru was winking at me. "Stop it, Hikaru-kun." I replied exasperated, "I just happened to see her appear with Hideaki-san in the front page so I clicked it. That's all."

Hikaru rolled his eyes. "Yeah right." He stuck out his tongue and ruffled my hair, "You know, it's never too late to fix things with her."

A camera man popped his head inside the room. "Show time boys!"

"I wish I could turn back time. You know how much I want to do that, Hikaru-kun? So much I tell you. Go back to May 21 and erase what happened that morning." I sighed and followed the other members out the door.

Yuto placed a hand on my shoulder. "You have a chance to fix things with Ibuka-chan, Yama! She's coming here next month for a competition. Explain to her what really happened between you and Nishiuchi-san. Don't take no for an answer." Yuto flashed me a grin.

"I don't know if I can. I already tried fixing things with her, Yuto. She wouldn't reply to any of my messages, and since our birthday, no contact whatsoever." I stopped walking and flung my arms in the air, "To tell you the truth, I don't even know why she's so mad at me."

It's not like I didn't try to fix things with her. I tried. I really did. Why can't she see that? I got fed up and sent my last message as something like "I didn't know you were that kind of girl Chihiro. I'm sorry."  

Hikaru patted my arm. "Cheer up, lover boy. But, before that it's show time."

I took a deep breath and tried to forget about my problem for the show.  My problem which has been weighing me down since May. My problem that I wanted to fix with all my heart. I hoped Yuto was right in that I have a chance of fixing things with Chihiro.

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, please welcome your hosts for tonight's show Hey! Say! JUMP!"

I placed on my stage smile and waved my arms in the air as I walked to the center of the stage. I’ll think about my problem later, the fans are our priority right now.


May 20

"Soo, what's the current update between you and Nishiuchi-san, Yama-kun?" One of my classmates asked me nudging my shoulder.

"For the hundredth time, guys. I don't like her. Can't you see it when I'm with her? That girl's crazy, crazy I tell you." I replied annoyed at how many times people keep commenting about me and Mariya and how we look good together, perfect couple, blah blah blah.

"Whatever bro, when you're done breaking her heart, call me up." He stuck out his tongue at me.

"Shut up, Keisuke." I said punching my friend lightly on the arm, "I'm not interested in her AND I don't break girl’s hearts."

"Oh really-" Keisuke stopped mid-sentence and looked out the door, "Speak of the devil."

Mariya was smiling and waving her hand at me by the door. She was bowing at people who acknowledged her saying she looked so pretty in her latest drama and magazines she appeared in. I don't disagree with them, Mariya was pretty, but someone else was way prettier than her. Someone who because of Mariya, has begun to drift away from me.

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