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Mason POV
   "So you're going to explain why you were following me? " I said as I looked at Zick still on the floor. "I wasn't following you,  I was just um..." he stumbled not knowing what to say. "Exactly, well whatever no harm done." I said as I helped him get up. "Huh, you're not questioning anymore?"he asked.
  "No dude, I mean I don't wanna cause any harm to you. Plus what can I do when I'm far more weaker than you." I said.
As I started walking away I took a step to my left as a energy dom went right pass me.
    "Ever since you came Elena been suffering and she no longer wants to be my friend.  She is my most precious friend and the first friend I ever had. Yet ever since you came along things between me and her gotten more distant!" Zick yelled .
   I turned back and walk right up to him, "So you think I'm ruining your relationship, between you and Elena. Now who else came the same day I did, Amy, right haven't you notice how Elena acted once she came as well. How she tremble, or how she couldn't say a word while around her. No you wouldn't because you probably fell head over heels for Amy the moment you saw her! And stop paying attention to the people who care about you and push them aside." I said. Out of breath I was really pisses Zick had his head down and his hands clench in anger.
  My eyes suddenly started turning red, "So don't you put your own fault on me dude." I said, using my voice dom. And Zick look at me and before he could notice my eyes I turned around and ran home making sure he didn't see my secret.

Zick POV
    As Mason ran home I saw his eyes they turned red for like a second. I knew it that he isn't normal, he most be manipulating everyone to do something bad. I must warn Elena!
   Suddenly I heard a stick break behind the bushes. "Alright who's there? Come on out!" I said. Amy came out from the bushes seems like her hair went back to normal.  "Sorry I heard what you two where talking about. Is it really my fault why you and Elena are no longer friends."she said as tears started running down her eyes.
   "No, of course not Amy." I went up to her and hugged her. "There's no way, I'm sure Mason was the one, he just trying to blame you. I'll protect you for sure." I said. I looked up and notice Elena was looking at me from her window. She turned around and closed her curtains. I felt a huge sting in my heart for a second.

(The Next Day)

Zick POV
  It seem like ever since yesterday our whole school routine change. When I came into school my seat was taken by Mason turned out he was the other new kid in our class. He was sitting next to Elena and it seemed like he was popular cause everyone was around him.
   Thank goodness Amy was in class we sat together through every class. Yet even though I walk and talked to her , it wasn't as fun as being with Elena.
   Suddenly it was time to leave school I run to where me and Elena would always hide our bikes and go straight to the Monster Tamer Base. But once I got there she was no where to be found.
   I hear Elena laugh above me and I saw that her and Mason were riding on the Mother  Flyvan. For a second I made eye contact with her and waved but she looked away. "There's that feeling again, in my heart it hurts.." I thought to myself.

Mason POV
I notice that the minute I walked into class Elena was scared. I saw Amy sitting right behind her and I could tell she was terrified.  "Is it alright if I sit here?" I walked up to Elena and asked. The minute she looked up at me seemed like she forgot about Amy, she gave me a warn smile and said sure. Since I was around, Amy would leave Elena alone guess she doesn't want to get caught.  As the day went on, Zick looked annoyed as ever.
   Right when the bell rang Elena almost went running to the door, when she stop midway. "I forgot I'm no longer friends with Zick.."she said in a soft voice. She looked down, that face I didn't want to see it. I grab her by the hand, "Come on we still got to get to school." I said with a wink. "But how are we going to get there?"she asked. " I asked a friend for a ride, hurry she's waiting for us!" I said. As we ran up to the school roof, Mother Flyvan was waiting for us. "Come on lets go!" I grabbed Elena and we started flying. I looked behind me and saw her face lit up, it was so nice seeing her this way. But she looked down for a second and her beautiful smiling face disappered. I looked down and saw it was no one other then Zick..

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