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Zick POV
We finally landed on the mountain, as I jump off the Flyvan, Danny slide down it's tail. As Mason and Elena flow down I quickly went towards them. Elena looked at me and I could tell she was mad yet also scared. I can't believe I would do something so reckless with Elena.
As Mason help Elena get down we quickly went inside the caves to capture the Magaloks. We quickly yet quietly walk into the cave until I heard something behind us. "I think someone is following us." I whispered. "You guys hide I'll take care of it."said Mason.
"Wait I'll--" Mason walk towards me and whispered in my ear, "Zick you go and take care of Elena alright."
Mason then ran on top off rock and me, Elena, and Danny hid behind a boulder. As soon as Mason saw the shadows the person that attack us he jump on it. We heard a loud scream, as we got out from our hiding place. Mason was holding onto Amy, "Amy what are you doing here?"said Elena. As I looked at Elena her hand started trembling, I wonder why was she trembling so much. Mason let go of Amy and walked towards Danny.
"Well I'm glad you made it here safely Amy, stay close to us and make sure not to get lost." I said to her as I help her up. "Thanks Zick your so nice. I know if I get into trouble you'll be there to save me."she said. Man Amy is so beautiful and nice to come all the way here.
I then notice Danny was staring at Amy, "Huh who is this? You must be Danny you're so cute I'm Amy!"she said looking at him so happily. "Ah! Mason there's a ugly monster in front of me!"he yelled running behind his brother. "Why you Lil....."she stopped and fell on her knees and started crying. "I'm sorry if I looked like a monster I guess I'll go back.."she cried. I quickly went to her side and helped her up. "Amy your beautiful then any girl I seen before, don't listening to what the kid says okay."I said as I wiped away her tears. She smiled and gave me hug. I looked over and saw Elena looking down. Danny looked at me from behind Mason and stick his tongue out at me and yelled Idiot!

Mason POV
As Amy was hugging Zick I looked over at Elena and saw how she looked at the floor. Danny was hiding behind me sticking his tongue out at Zick calling him an idiot ,which he really was. "Okay that's enough let's hurry up and get over this mission." I said getting everyone's attention. "Elena in your book bag there should be a monster trap inside a Dombox"I said. Elena started looking through her book bag and found the Dombox. "It's a water worm, what are you going to do with it?"she asked. "Release it, don't worry Danny and I would take care of the rest."I said. Elena looked at the dombox and then at me and smiled, "Okay I trust here we go!"she opened the Dombox releasing the Water Worm. It started going on a rampage heading towards me and Danny. I looked at Danny and nodded, he put out his hand once the Water Warm was closes to us. And that's when I used my power, I quickly took over the Water Worm spirit and now I could control it's body. "Danny hurry and make sure it looks real so no one can find out about my powers." I whispered. "Okay, Wormie slitter near the Magaloks and attack them!"said Danny. I quickly made the Water Worm slitter into the cave as we followed behind it. There we're three Magaloks and as we got a better view we saw it had a bunch of humans held captive. I sent the Water Worm into action and it attack two of the Magaloks.
"Amy , Zick hurry and get the people captive free so we can hurry up and capture these monsters."I said. "Alright!"they said, running near the cave the people were trap in.
I couldn't take control over the body of the Water Worm we need it to go back inside the Dombox before it gets back to its own mind. "Elena hurry and get the Dombox ready, Danny quickly tell the water worm to go back inside!" I said. They did as I told them and the Water Worm quickly went back into the Dombox.
It took down two of the Magaloks but one was still somewhere in the caves. Danny quickly took care of them and put them into a Dombox. I looked over and saw Zick and Amy gotten the people out safely.
"Wow Mason that was really good leader ship skills."said Elena. "Thanks I learned from my father." I replied. "Yeah yeah good job but you could only catch two out of the three Magaloks. If I was in charged I could've captured all three of them."said Zick. "Yeah...I bet" I said, "What was that you-"before Zick could get a chance to hit me Elena quickly got between us. "Zick stop it! Can you not pick a fit with Mason every five minutes! We caught two of them we just need to catch the last one okay so chill out."she said. Zick back off and just kept his mouth shut after that. Wow Elena is really amazing, to stand up for me, it's kinda embarrassing but still she's really caring.
"Okay guys lets get the last Dragon!!"said Danny as he started running more into the cave. "Wait Danny wait for us! It could be dangerous running alone!"said Elena chasing after him. "Wait for me!"I said as I ran next to her side. I think I might start having some kinds of feelings towards Elena. But that could just be as a friend.

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