Let me explain

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Taylor's POV

I went into the Jack's room expecting them to be making a vine or something but no, I walk in to see Jack Gilinsky shoot up off of the floor with Jack Johnson leaning slightly over the end of his bed. What the hell was going in in here?

'I was about to invite you guys down stairs for breakfast but you look kinda busy so, I'll just get going.' I quickly turned and shut their door behind me and went into Cameron and Nash's room which is where everyone was.

'You'll never guess what I think just happened!'

'You lost a bandana?' Carter said

'A fan tried to get you?' From Nash

'Someone dissed tie dye?' Said Cameron.

'No, none of the above, I think Jack and Jack just had a moment.'

'What kind of moment?' Hayes asked,

'A gay moment, I think they were about to kiss each other.'

'No, they wouldn't do that. They were probably looking at something on their phones or plotting a joke to play on us lot. Did either of them have a phone by them?' Nash said

'Yeah, I think Gilinsky had one in his hand.'

'Then there you go, you're eyes probably haven't adjusted to being awake yet.' Nash said again.

We left Cam and Nash's room and I knocked on the Jack's door to get them to come down with us. Jack Johnson opened the door fully dressed and Gilinsky was behind him, wearing the exact same thing he was in this morning. They came down the stairs with us and acted normal. I'm going to have to keep an eye on them.

Jack G's POV

Thank god Taylor came in. If he hadn't I would've kissed Jack and then our friendship would be ruined and then I'd have to leave Magcon and he'd never talk to me ever again and I'd lose fans. I stood up much quicker then I should have, I probably looked really really shift but Taylor didn't really comment. When he left I turned back to Jack and saw he was getting out of bed.

'Im going in the bathroom.' He said.


I sat on my bed and started looking through my phone. I watched some of our old vines, like the one when we found the most pointless set of stairs known to man. Once I'd finished watching vines I started going through Instagram. I took a selfie and posted it, earning 100 likes in about 20 seconds. Jack came out fully clothed and smelling amazing.

'You going in?' He asked me

'Nah, I'll just chuck a shirt on in a minute.'

'What happened earlier bro?' Shit why did he have to bring it up.

'I dunno. Heat of the moment thing maybe.'

'Yeah.' He came and sat beside me on the bed. He leant his head on my shoulder so I leant my head on his.

'Youre my best friend in the whole world you know that.' Jack said to me.

'You too.' I kissed the top of his head when the door knocked. We both stood up and Jack went to open the door. I stood awkwardly behind him shirtless. It was Taylor,again. We followed them all down the stairs to breakfast and we bumped into some fans. Nash and Cameron were fighting the girls off literally while Taylor was getting his bandana stolen. Shawn, Hayes and Aaron all hung back a bit, they had the right idea, Matt and Carter managed to get through them all ok and got to the cafe for breakfast, I saw some girl flirting with Jack from the side. He had his arms lightly round her waist and he was definitely flirting back. I felt a twang in my heart. Taylor started screaming my name.

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