Chapter 2

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The feeling of someone holding my hand, is the first thing I realize when I come to. I open my eyes to see a worried Jake. "Abbi," my name slips out. I look away, he can't be here. He's away with the love of his life, his wife Erika. I must still be out. I take a breath in and out, then finally get the strength to look back. Jake's eyes are burning into mine, he's actually here. "Jake," I say his name while trying not to cry. He releases my hand and pulls me in for a hug. "You scared me Abbi. I came home to a panicked house and no one having any idea what happened. Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" he asks.

"I didn't want to hear you say no," I admit truthfully. Confusion crosses his face and turns into hurt. "You think I'd really tell you no?" he asks softly, as if his voice was any louder I'd break. Or maybe he would? As we stare into each other's eyes, I realize I can't read him as I used to be able to. I want to tell him everything, why I came back and all the insecurities I have of our friendship. I even go to open my mouth to reply, but I stop. "I'm sorry," is all I tell him. His hand is on mine again and I swear I see desperation on his face, as if he never wants to let go of my hand again. "We'll be okay, right?" he questions while never looking me in the eye. "Of course," I barely get out. As much as I want it to be true, now that I'm here, I'm not so sure we will be. It feels like we're old friends that you see every once in a while, and remember the good times you used to have together. However, that thought alone breaks my heart.

Then there's a knock on the door, within seconds before the door opens revealing Tony, Kade, and Erika. Jake pulls back immediately and clears his throat. "She's okay, not sure what happened, but she's okay," he informs them. "You didn't see it Jake. She ran out and Chance chased her, while grabbing her wrist. But then Abbi just passed out," Tony describes the events to Jake. "I'm right here," I speak up for the first time since their presence. "You should rest," Jake informs me, not really asking. "I should leave Jake," I counter his demand. "Leave? Leave to where?" he immediately ask. "My belongings are at Logan's," I answer while only looking at him. His eyes narrow and stay on me briefly before turning away. "Of course, they are," is all he says as he gets off the bed. I can tell he's getting irritated and my thoughts once again fill with doubts of our friendship from the time we've had apart.

No one tries to stop me as I leave. I also notice that Chance is nowhere to be found, even after everything that happened, I hope he's okay. I'm waiting for my car, when I hear my name softly called behind me. I don't recognize the voice, so I turn to see who it is. Kade stands there uneasily. "Kade? Is something wrong?" I ask first, because he still looks as if he hasn't decided if he should speak. "I wanted to say..." he pauses for a moment and looks off to the side, then continues with, "...have a safe trip. I know you're not used to LA traffic." I raise my brow at him, I know I don't know Kade that well, but his body expression was giving off as if he was torn to say something else.

"Thank you, that's kind," I end up saying, ignoring the uneasiness I detected on him. I watch as he nods and turns to go back inside, except he stops and turns back towards me. "No one is perfect, remember that. People react differently to pain, some lash out, some hold it in, and some live it. Overall you don't really know how someone is feeling, unless they confide in you," he tells me turning the mood serious. There it is. I knew he wanted to tell me something, but that was very cryptic. I get a notification that my car is here, so I'm not really in any position to ask questions. "I understand," is all I say before leaving. Deep down I think he was trying to tell me something about Jake and that scares me. What happened during my time away from him?

While in the car, my mind flashes back to earlier with the Dolan Twins. Should I go see them? I never asked either of them nor Jake what happened to their friendship. I can't get this uneasy feeling out of my head that I have from coming back to LA, maybe the twins can help? As I find Grayson's number in my phone, I slowly type up a message, but can't find the strength to hit send. Turns out I don't want to risk another possible strain on my friendship with Jake, after earlier I'm not certain how strong it is anymore. Why did he snap at me when I mentioned Logan? My mind fills with doubts of coming here after all, should I have just let my friendship go its course? Even if that meant letting it die? Could I really walk away completely from Jake? After everything we've been through, I'm not sure it can be that easy. My thoughts are paused as I see Logan's apartment complex up ahead.

The Last Summer (This Summer Part 2 | Jake Paul and friends)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt