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In this world, not a lot of people are normal.
There are werewolves, werecats, faeries, vampires, and rarely humans.
Dragons.. I don't know.
Some people say they're extinct.
Some people say they never existed in the first place.

Hello hello! I'm Nimch3~~
This is going to be the only authors note in the book until the end, so you can have maximum reading experience!

I've been thinking about this book for a while now. I hope you enjoy this!
Our main character is Rhea, a girl who feels like an outcast even though most of the people here aren't human.
Her mother was a dragon, her father was a human.
Haha. Don't worry. It's nothing like that.
Dragons, here at least, have human forms! ^^

Half dragons, have something in between their dragon form and human form. Where horns, wings, and tails, are exposed.

I won't spoil too much of the story because PLOT

Next part will be an explanation of every species, so you understand them more!
And the part after that will be the long awaited chapter one!

Thank you for showing interest in this story!~~
Until next part, the rest of the story remains untold!

Goodbye for now~~

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